Is being Workaholic the Answer?

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"Am I a workaholic? ", most times i ask myself that question, but there is this friend who always ask me that almost everytime.

How about you, are you a workaholic? That question must have taken your minds back to your work or business life.

If your answer is a yes, then, just maybe you need to do a carefull read of this article…. I am writing this as a reference for myself in the future., Actually i made a resolution yesterday to consider my time and health and i decided to put this down as a reminder. From time to time, I'll be checking most of this points in this articles to see if i am still sticking to it.

Working has always been my thing.....

Note that this article is based on a true life experience, and I am about to share some of the tips that I was given by a love one. This is me putting my Mental health on check and i need this always if you know what i mean..

First, let's get it clear who a workaholic is:

A person who works on almost a 24/7 hour time is a workaholic. Most times they work in big cities or have multiple jobs or task. They wake at very early hours and close at very late hours sometimes they do a 5AM to PM activity. Sadly most times I fall under this category.

Time is money they say but does giving more time mean more money?Most cases, yeah . But in my derivative:More time = more money = less healthy

Are you a workaholic? Was your answer a 'maybe'? Some workaholic do not know they actually are workaholics, some do not believe it even when they are told so.

If so, let's see possible signs that indicates who a workaholic is....

  • long hours: Personally, a 9AM to 5PM should be a maximum working hour for every human. If you work later than that then you really need some adjustment.

  • Have you ever been told you are a workaholic by your friends or colleagues? Those working closely with you will know you better and you ought to give a thought to it. Personally I can’t count how many times I have been informed.

  • Make a personal life survey between the time you spend at work, with family and friends, for leisure etc. If your work hours has 50% the time; you are a workaholic.

  • If you often get stressed or sick after work, you are a core workaholic.

Let's share some effects of being a workaholic:...

  • It robs you of your personal time with friends, families and colleagues because you don't have enough time to give them your love, care attention. If you work a 5-9 how much time do you think you'll spend with your children?

  • Your health is at a risk❌, Workaholics are often diagnosed with the most organ problems such as heart failure.

  • The brain and physical body is being stressed and can lead to complications and even death.

  • Other areas of your life suffer; Time for relaxation suffer because everytime you think of work, everytime you find hours to add to work. You don't have the time to impact positively in the lives of others.

Anyway Out?

  • Organise a proper and well arranged to-do-list in the order of priority so you dont miss any vital activity or end up doing the important ones late.

  • Manage your time wisely, you could set your activities with a stop watch so you know when to stop.

  • If you're not sure if you are a workaholic, you could ask others about yourself and share your working habits too, this is what I do most times.

  • Stop bottle neck jobs; find a job suitable for you. If you are a family man avoid jobs that rob your family time, find works that gives you rest not double pressure

  • Segment large junk of task into bits so you can easily finish on time.

  • Share task with others, make a division of labour and assign task to the right people.

  • Seek medical checkup constantly and visit a psychologist, I can’t remember when I did this though, but I was advised to do it.

  • Limit your working hours to atleast a 9am to 5PM which is a max of 8 hrs or even less. This is one of the hard thask for me.

  • Schedule time for relaxation and some time with friends and colleagues
    As a workaholic, you are putting your health at risk. You are putting relationships at risk too and even prioritising depression and a harmful addiction. I'm sure that's not the kind of life you've always dreamt to live.

Now, having read all that. Just in case you didn't give an answer earlier;' Are you a workaholic?'. Whatever your answer is I'm sure you now know how best to handle it. Do you think i have missed some points? I'll like to read what you think, this could be a great help to me and to others who will read this publication.

Goodmorning and have a great working day today, it’s 7:10 Am in Nigeria and I am already awake and set to work here on the platform....., let's do some post verification....Woosah!!"

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