Steemit Development Incentive Program: My little suggestions

I was delighted when I saw the update made on the steemitblog about the Steemit Development Incentive Program .

I had some thoughts about it and I decided to put it in a writing like this. First of all, I want to clarify the fact that I have read almost all the proposals and I agree with most of them, they are interesting and i don't need to repeat them, but i have a few additions.

Here are my little suggestions in addition to those great ideas:

  • Multisig wallet for Communities
  • All-in-one tools
  • Virtual tool for live Broadcast

Multisig wallet for Communities

Recently, we all noticed a tremendous Power down of various communities by admins, and sometimes it wasn’t the agreement of the other Admins/moderators.

Come to think of it, these are funds generated by users through setting their beneficiaries in other to build such accounts, unfortunately, in the end, the funds turn out to be a one-man thing.
My Suggestion to solve this is the creation of a Multisig wallet for community accounts. I am not a developer, but I wish developers can come up with such a system in other to minimize such abuse.

All-in-one tools

Most Moderators/Admins make use of different tools to check club status, verify posts, etc.. and sometimes, it brings issues between users.

For example, a user might be in club100, but because of the different tools used by a community admin to check …the result becomes different.

My suggestion: I know we have different developers in the blog. If developers can bring one unique tool that comprises of plagiarism checker, club status, and delegation checker, perhaps, be approved by the steemit team so that all admins/moderators can make use of that one, I think that will solve the raised issue.

Also, can we have a tool that comprises of club status check, plagiarism check, Uniqueness check…etc…all in one? I really wish we have this in the blog too perhaps, owned by steem and steemit.

Virtual tool for live Broadcast

It would be very interesting if we have a tool that can broadcast live events just like we have on other social media. Such a tool can help in some live shows, like in the case of my “Interview showcase” program.

Thank you for reading my little contribution....

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