An eventful Wednesday in words and pictures (28/8/2024)


Welcome to my blog and read along with me as I spent my Wednesday in words and in pictures.

I woke up by 5am in the morning and that was when my activities started.

I started by slaughtering the cock my husband bought the previous night.

Before cooking

After slaughtering it, the next thing was removing the feathers πŸͺΆ using hot water and when all feathers were removed, I go ahead to cut it into pieces and cook it.

After cooking

When I was done preparing the chicken πŸ”, we ate our breakfast though it wasn't the chicken but bread and tea.

We left the house to the shop and I took some of the chicken to the shop so that I can use it and cook our lunch.
When we arrived at the shop, though a bit late, I met few customers who were waiting for me.

After attaining to those customers, I swept and arranged the shop.

While I was arranging the shop, I tooΔ· my kids to my next door neighbour who make hair for them to have their hair washed and treated.

With one of my children in the saloon.

After dropping them in the saloon, I left them there and went back to the shop to continue in the arrangement of the shop and when I was done arranging the shop, I cooked white rice 🍚 that we used in eating with the chicken pepper soup that I prepared at home.

Lunch was ready by 1pm.

After taking my lunch by 1pm, I rush to the market to get few things for the shop and as usual, the prices of things were shocking as it keeps increasing everyday.
I bought the few that I could and wishes to return another day for those that I didn't buy.

The items I bought from the market

I came back from the market by 3pm and hurriedly arranged the items into the shelves and put prices on it.
There was no time to rest as Wednesday is our mid week meetings day. When I was done arranging the items, it was already 3:45pm and our meeting was scheduled to start by 5pm, so I left the shop and asked my sister to help me take care of the shop while I will be away for some hours.

I and the children went to the house to get dressed and also met my husband in the house preparing as well. We leftt the house by 4:30pm because we wanted to arrived on time since my husband was the chairman of the meeting.
It was a 10 minutes drive and we arrived at the meeting at 4:40pm and met very few brothers and sisters.

We took our time to exchange pleasantries with our brothers and sisters and not quite long the meeting started with songs and prayers by the chairman.

The meeting lasted for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

There was an intresting part and that was bible ready by our young brother Jahjindu. He almost got everyone laughing πŸ˜ƒ with his enthusiastic and bold reading, some will say he was overly dramatic but he just a small boy and that was his own way of doing things so I see it as him being natural.

Bible reading by Jahjindu.

The meeting ended by 6:45pm with song and prayer and we all dismissed while greeting our dear brother and sisters.

After greeting few friends, we left the kingdom hall to the shop, so that I can take over from my sister.

On our way returning from meeting.

On getting to the shop, I met my elder sister and my younger sister whom I left the shop for selling in the shop.
I was happy seeing them attending to customers and I took over from them so that they can go to their different homes.

Selling oil to a customer.

We stayed in the shop till 9pm and later locked πŸ”’ the shop and go home.
On getting home, I served my husband's dinner and freshen up and slept 😴 off as I was exhausted.

That was how I spent my Wednesday, it was really a busy but fulfilled day.

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