Art Attack! #10: Character Compilation Challenge! (Part 2)


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my paintings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started.

Last week, I started writing about a self-imposed challenge I did back in August 2019, where I would draw a character, or a few characters a day, until my page was full.


And we got did the center and the bottom 1/3 of the page last time, so it's time for the rest!

So in the top left corner and left middle section of the paper, I had kind of a "storyline", where Snoopy would fly on his doghouse (as the Red Baron) and get fired at by a turret from Portal, and Ice Bear would be there to rescue him with his roomba.


I still had a little bit of space just below that, so I decided to draw some of my favourite youtubers! And some slimes on top of the coop.


I really did like the art style for PB&Jeff, but figured their bodies would be kinda weird just floating there, so I changed them.. to the Grumps!


They're the Game Grumps on Youtube btw. I've been watching them for years and their videos always make me smile, so I thought a tribute to them would be apt.

Here's what it looks like after outlining!


And colour! I mostly used paint for this, since I wanted to get the shade just right, and tbh I hate using colour pencils. I think it turned out pretty good!


Next, was the upper middle section. For this I wanted flying characters, or at least characters in the air, since it was technically supposed to be the sky. And I settled on Kirby, the Onion King and Kevin!


I'm sure everyone knows Kirby. The Onion King and Kevin are from Overcooked! It's a fun little game that I had some good times with, so I decided to put them in. See how I made the cloud look like an egg though hehe.

Later, I decided to add a little more, since I really liked the chefs in Overcooked! too (they're all so cute!). So I drew the Cat chef feeding Kevin a piece of meat. But you better watch out cos he's got a knife!


Here's what it looks like outlined!

And the Overcooked! characters:

Anyway, for the top right and middle right, I kinda bundled a bunch of characters together. No real relation/storyline here, just random.


The whale is from Battleblock Theater, as is the guy (Hatty Hattington) riding on the cat.
Spyro and Sparx (from Spryo the Dragon, one of my favourite series on the Playstation) are in the corner, being admired by Grizz.

The TRG (TheRunawayGuys) are another Youtuber group I really like. They're the ones who got me into watching LPs, and are probably my favourite youtubers period, so I thought they should make it in too.


I kinda screwed up the painting for Spyro, so unfortunately, this is the best he's gonna look:


The happy duck is Ducky Momo from Phineas and Ferb, and Pusheen and Friends are on the roof of Re-Tail, next to Panda taking a selfie!
And bongo cat is just there, since I really like that meme.


I think this pose of Panda's is so good; it's Panda just being himself, rather than being insecure so I really like it.

Anyway, it's time to paint!
Look at Mario peeking through my palette 😄


Here are the Overcooked! characters, coloured:

And here's the rest:

Aaaaand ta-daaaaa! It is complete!


This challenge was so fun! As I wrote in my last post, I usually have the end in mind when I'm sketching, so this was the first time I didn't. Since I had to do each character/section on its own, I had no clue which character I was gonna think of, or where it was gonna go. The end product was pretty much a mystery to me.

And I know there are still plenty of white spaces around, but personally I think that's okay; I don't like squeezing all the characters together until they're sardines. And while some people do that really well, like this one I saw on reddit:

Source: SmashToons

I personally don't feel comfortable doing that. And I think for a first try I did okay. I saw some compilations where people would draw 1 character a day and there would be a story too, which is really cool. I don't know if I'm that creative. But that's the thing about art, everyone interprets it differently, even challenges like this. And it's so cool! I like that there's no right answer, and everyone has their own style and puts their own spin on it.

Again, if you're trying art for the first time during this quarantine period, don't overthink it! And definitely don't compare yourself to others. Nobody wins when you make comparisons, least of all you, so just have fun!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #9: Character Compilation Challenge! (Part 1)

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2 columns
1 column