Art Attack! #27: Kitties frolicking in the Spring! 😸


Hey Hive!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my paintings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!


Since I really liked my last neko atsume piece (and it was also quite a hit on reddit), I thought of doing another one and I found this cute wallpaper online that I thought would look nice on my own wall!


The wallpaper is so cute and colourful, so I decided to recreate it with watercolours!

Here's my sketch:


It was kinda tough getting the kitties' shape just right but I think it came out close enough. I did change it a little bit because I wanted the kitties to be further apart to accommodate the bigger area I had.

I think it was going well until... I decided to mix colours for Peaches. And it turned out horrible.


I knew I should've just used the pre-made colours. sigh.

There wasn't much else I could do about Peaches since there were already quite a few layers of paint on there. So I just went about painting the background first, which actually turned out pretty alright.


The only way I could salvage Peaches was to just draw on another sheet of paper and paste over the existing monstrosity.
It actually looked pretty good! ...Except that it didn't fully fit the one I had drawn underneath unfortunately.


Next was the shadows and the flowers. And I think I did try to draw a shadow for Peaches but it still looked a little funny, so I decided to draw a little kitty sofa for her instead.


I think you can tell that the sofa was an afterthought since the flowers re spaced too near beside it but oh well. I can't change that anymore.

Here's the final result after lining it once more!


I think it doesn't look too bad, and I really like the background! And the kitties all look pretty cute still. A nice colourful piece overall.

And I'm glad other people seem to think so too because I got quite a few nice comments on the neko atsume subreddit!


I typically post my art on reddit just for fun and if it's relevant to the subreddit I'm following. But seeing nice comments like these always brighten my day and encourage me to keep drawing and painting!

So if you ever want to share your art online, don't be afraid and just do it! Start a separate instagram account, share it on facebook, reddit, whatever. There may be some unfriendly comments here and there but don't take them to heart and keep doing you!

Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #26: Our Stardew-themed Wedding Portrait! 🤵💕👰

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