Art Attack! #41: Adventure and Serenity in the Great Outdoors 🏕


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

Apologies for the lack of updates for a while, but if you follow my blog you'd know I participated in 2 writing contests organised by the lovely folks over at haveyoubeenhere and pinmapple! I'm a frequent poster of travel content as well, so it only seemed right to partake in those contests. They were actually pretty interesting if you wanna check it out! Or you can read my post here where I write about where I would go if I had US$1,000!

Anyway, after the slew of Stardew Valley-related art, I wanted to do something different. And I came across a couple of cute minimalist vectors on Google randomly the other day.


Source: Pinterest


Source: Rectangle Circle


Source: Pinterest


Source: iStock

I really liked the simple, cartoony, black and white, minimalist style these vectors had. They also reminded me of my friend's tattoo. She liked this style too and had gotten a tattoo in a similar style. Anyway, since all the vectors I saw (and collected) all seemed to have an outdoorsy theme, I thought it'd be cool to try drawing a mashup/compilation of all those I liked!

I must have saved so many vectors because there were too many that looked so nice! Overall, I knew this was obviously gonna have a camping in the outdoors theme, and I wanted there to be a few key elements:

  • tents around a campfire
  • a camper
  • a lake with a dino
  • mountains in the background
  • trees all around
  • a cabin hidden in the trees somewhere
  • birds and clouds in the sky
  • a hot-air balloon flying in the background

It sounded like a lot at the time, but since all the vectors looked pretty small and simple I think I could make it work.

Eventually, I came up with sketch:


I kinda had a hard time with the camper because of the perspective but I tried my best.

And after outlining, my sketch then turned into this!


And after cleaning up the sketch lines, this was the final result!


Sorry for the lack of progress pics. I guess I was too caught up in drawing that I kinda forgot to take more photos of my process. But other than the camper and the funny bushes on near the top left (I guess I should've made them into trees instead), I really liked how this piece came out! It's a totally new style that I've never done before but I think it came out great!


I might've messed up a little here and there but I think overall I managed to capture the style of the vectors pretty well. I wanted to put in the canoe with the people but then I realised it would've been too much. The dino looks cute though.

I like that this style is simple, but still aesthetically-pleasing. I think the spacing of the many details helps. I tried my best to space them out somewhat evenly so there wasn't too much negative space and it doesn't feel too cluttered.

But the thing I like best about this style is that it doesn't take too much time to do. I think it only took me about an hour to complete this piece, from conceptual to the final outline. Of course, not having to paint it or colour it sure cuts down time quite a bit. I typically like colour in my art pieces but this black and white cartoony style is really cute and interesting too.

After I drew this, I was so taken with the style I added it to my repertoire and have done several more pieces in this style since then! Looking forward to sharing those soon!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #40: Fishin' & Chillin' 🎣

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