Remote Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds

In December 2020, the father of Israel’s space program, Professor Haim Eshed, created an international media frenzy when he described President Donald Trump communicating with an alliance of extraterrestrial races called the Galactic Federation. Eshed said Trump wanted to disclose the truth about alien life, but the Galactic Federation replied that humanity wasn’t yet ready. Eshed’s impeccable scientific credentials and intimate knowledge of classified space programs meant that his comments about a Galactic Federation monitoring human affairs had to be taken seriously and could not be easily dismissed.

This raised a host of questions about whether such an extraterrestrial organization truly existed and was poised to openly intervene in human affairs, as Eshed claimed. Even more importantly, how did Eshed’s ‘Galactic Federation’ relate to previous claims by different researchers, insiders, contactees, etc., dating back several decades, concerning the activities of different interplanetary organizations intervening in human affairs or playing a role in the genetic engineering of humanity.

Remote Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds

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