SOTT Earth Changes Summary - May 2021: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

Food prices continue to rise as extreme weather around the world strikes production, adding to the significant damage caused by the Covid lockdowns.

Snow and record cold temperatures for summer took the lead this month. The US, Canada, China, Russia, and parts of Europe were caught by surprise despite mass media trying to normalize the unseasonable weather. This weather is far from normal, and perhaps a sign that we are on the threshold of a new ice age.

An apocalyptic mouse plague in Australia is causing millions of dollars of damage to crops and farming machinery in New South Wales, Queensland, and Victoria. Local farmers continue to lose crops and grain while they have to pay thousands of dollars to contain the plague.

The damage to crops continues in East Africe and the Middle East. After three years of drought followed by record rain and floods, the area faces record-breaking swarms of crop-eating locusts that threaten the crops and the food security of millions. A one-square-kilometer swarm can consume the same amount of food in one day as 35,000 people. The governments of the affected countries are spending billions of dollars to avoid further losses, but it has proved to be quite a challenge so far.

Major flooding also caused a lot of trouble around the world this May. Cyclone Yaas lashed coastal areas of India, and southern Bangladesh with strong winds, rain, and floods causing widespread damage. More than one million were evacuated.

Cyclone Yaas also came at a time when India struggles to deal with a new wave of Covid infections, most probably caused by a combination of poor infrastructure, heavy levels of pollution, and mass vaccination campaigns.

In South America, severe floods caused by Amazon rivers reaching record highs affected more than 450 thousand people in Manaus. Peru and Colombia were also hit by severe flooding that triggered the relocation of thousands.

Many countries of the Middle East are facing an unprecedented amount of summer rain and floods, while China braces for a heavy flood season with 71 rivers already exceeding warning levels.

Not a pretty picture but all this is part of natural cycles caused by our sun's activity and other cosmic factors. Pay attention, network, and prepare accordingly if needed.

All this and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for May 2021

SOTT Earth Changes Summary - May 2021: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

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