Steemit Travel Contest Week #1 - The Most Beautiful Beach in My City | Blang Kiju beach beauty

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location Blang Kiju Beach

Hi steemit travel friends, how are you today? I hope you are always in good health and all affairs are smooth. On this occasion, I would like to review the beauty of the beach in my city called Blang Kiju Beach to take part in the latest contest in our proud community.

The weather in the afternoon was very supportive, which made me want to go for a walk to enjoy the beach. And the beach I want to visit this afternoon is a beach located in Simpang Mamplam District, Bireun Regency.

From the Banda Aceh-Medan road, to be precise at the Keude Simpang Mamplam, we only need to walk towards the south to arrive at this beautiful beach. And about 20 minutes of travel, we finally arrived at the beautiful beach, location Blang Kiju Beach.

Arriving at one of the huts on Blang Kiju beach, we immediately ordered a cold drink and a plate of light snacks to accompany us to enjoy the open sea this afternoon.




In addition to relaxing while enjoying the beauty of the open sea, what attracted me to visit this beach was because I wanted to see local fishermen pulling trawling nets or in Acehnese commonly called "tarek pukat".

Trawl nets are used to catch fish by pulling nets that have been brought offshore using small boats. As for how to pull it, fishermen divide into two groups that are U-shaped, then slowly the two groups of fishermen pull their nets up to the mainland.


location Blang Kiju Beach

The supportive afternoon atmosphere with the sun shining sadly makes it easier for fishermen to pull the trawl because the weather is not hot. For one trawl, fishermen usually take about 40 minutes to pull it to the mainland.

After the withdrawal process is complete, they immediately open the net to see what fish they get. Like this afternoon they get several different types of fish, such as; anchovies, squid, sea crabs and so on.

Garbage that is thrown into the sea also enters the fishermen's nets, this is something we must avoid not to litter because it can damage the natural ecosystem.

And they sell these fish directly to beach visitors who are here. only part of it they bring to the market to sell to fish traders.

The scenery like fishermen pulling trawls is the main attraction for visitors who want to buy fresh fish, the paintings presented by nature on this beach are really very beautiful which makes me really want to bring the charm of this beach into my writing to take part in a very interesting contest. this.

Thank you to friends who have stopped by my post, I really hope for constructive criticism and suggestions from all of you.

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