Travel to My Village by @mrsokal

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Greetings to All

Bangladesh has been decorated by the creator with its best form-juice-scent. But in the current era of massive modernization, the fascinating form of the country is a liability. The sweetness of nature has reduced comparatively much during this massive spread of urban civilization all around.

However, the villages of our country have still retained the ancient nature of Bangladesh. The clamor of modernization has not yet reached those villages. It is true that as an inevitable consequence the villages are quite behind the rest of the world, but as a result our country's natural heritage is being cherished with pride by the villages here. The people of the village still live and keep alive the ancient traditions of the country. I had the good fortune to visit one such village recently. I will express in this post about that sweet experience that shook the mind.

To the people who live in the village, the importance of the village is very small. But for the city people, the village is a dream haven of peace in the midst of this ever-busy life. People like me find peace by thinking about the village in their imagination. To me, a village is a sacred abode built in the shade of absolute nature without the complications of life, pollution-free air.



Upon arriving at the village, I immediately noticed how much more beautiful the scenery was compared to the city. Lush fields of various crops dotted the landscape, and the dense forest could be seen in the distance. After basking in the beauty of nature, I made my way to my family's village home. Although there was electricity, it was not available all the time. Luckily, I was able to stay in one of the rooms within the joint family home. This cozy abode was surrounded by a thick bamboo forest and two serene ponds. My first day in the village was spent in this enchanting natural environment, and I couldn't wait to see what else it had in store for me.

On the second day of reaching the village, I accompanied one of my cousins ​​and went on a village tour after having breakfast. A little further along the narrow road through the middle of the bamboo plantation, a paddy field can be seen on the left. Walking along the path in the middle of the field, I saw a picture drawing. I heard from people that it is the famous Kapotaksha river. During the rainy season, the water overflows the two pools and sometimes enters the paddy fields.



Sometimes walking along the bank of that river, sometimes along the footpath, a little far away, a barge of water came into view. I heard from my brother that our family also has several of these barges. After crossing the barge of Pan, the houses were seen again. It's a different neighborhood. Streets or houses look similar to other places. I looked at the sky and saw that the sun was almost in the middle of the sky. Then again return home along the river bank along the field path.

Those of us who live in cities have almost no experience of fishing. During my stay in the village, I had the experience of fishing one day in our home pond. Due to no previous experience, I didn't really catch fish, but I enjoyed the joy of fishing to the fullest by watching others catch fish beside me.

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While I didn't catch anything, a few others caught a few small fry, tilapia and carp in their fishing nets. Then that day at noon the fish caught from their own pond was cooked. What an absolute blissful feeling that is cannot be described in words.

Who doesn't want to travel by waterway on the river! One day in the afternoon, I had such a trip in a canoe on the river Jamuna . Today was quite scary at first due to not having any experience in dinghy boating. I don't know how to swim. But that fear disappeared after seeing the beauty of nature around in a short time.



After pushing the boat on the bank of the Jamuna river, our canoe left the dense forest on both sides and entered another world. There are many kinds of unknown birds in the trees of the forest on both sides. Jackals occasionally call out from within the dense forest. Finally seeing the sight of the sky birds returning home, I came back by the same way I had gone.

A description of a village tour experience is incomplete without mentioning the food and drink there. Although village food is generally similar to that of urban Bengalis, the taste and aroma are distinctly rural. This characteristic emerges due to the purity of rural water-air and soil.

The unadulterated vegetables here add a different dimension to the taste of the food. Also, I had the opportunity to taste some food that we don't often eat in the city. Such as crabs from home ponds, prawns caught from paddy fields, wild cock meat etc.

After spending several days surrounded by the beauty of nature, I returned to my familiar city life. Memories of my time in the countryside stayed with me, and I found it hard to let go of the sense of contentment and admiration for the natural world that I experienced there. It was a bit of a struggle to readapt to the fast-paced city lifestyle. However, I longed to return to my village, where I felt a deep sense of pride and a genuine love for life. The moment I got back, I knew that I would soon be planning another trip to the countryside to immerse myself once again in the fresh earthy scent and the peaceful embrace of nature.

I am inviting my friends


This concludes my post.

I hope you enjoy it.

See you in the next publication.


@mrsokal ✍️

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