My seven reasons for travel


It's @rumman
From #Bangladesh

Happy greetings for all of you. Hope you all are having a good day.
Today I am going to take a part in a contest about the reason of my traveling. I want to thanks @alegnita for her great initiative.
Traveling to me is the alternative name of my life. When I get time I travel. But as a general point of view the seven reasons are-

01!Exploring New places

This is one of the main reason why I travel. Our world is too big and it has different places and everywhere something new to see and enjoy. How much you read about a place or see a lot of picture but physical appearance can't be compared with anything.


Love square at polwell
02!Meet new culture and traditions

When anyone go for travelling he enter in that culture, traditions, behaviour and get the opportunity to observe their interconnection with their people. Its a great chance to know about different custom, their behaviour, believes which can impact in his daily regular life also you can show your own culturla presence to them.


Enjoying winter night
03!Relief from Mental blockage

Our daily routine make us stressed and even we get suffocated. From that we just need a break and that case travelling is the best solution. Where you will get up from bed with zero pressure, watching greenish nature with a cup of tea or coffee in hand, nothing can relax you more than that . Traveling also improve your physical and mental health which is helpful to fight against you depression and anxiety you get from your daily life.


2nd height mountain in Bangladesh
04!Strengthen bonding

When we go for travelling with her family our friends at that time we spend whole day and whole night with them which is not possible in your daily life. At least one tour in a year will give you a strong bondage with your family and friends. And don't forget to capture your good memories with them.


With eagle
05!Feel the adventure

if you don't take any risk or adventurous steps then your life is nothing. When you are going to a unknown destination, meeting unknown people, eating a food which you haven't seen before, those all are part of a adventure. It increases knowledge. It fills your thirst of your mind.


Tribal tour
06!Meeting new faces

When you will go to travel you can meet with new people. You can see a new way of living a life and their thinking towards life. When I went keokradong mountain I had seen people are carrying their daily needs from city to the peak of the mountain by walking. It's approximately 3235ft height. It's unimaginable for us to do such work though it's their daily routine.


Waiting for lunch
07! Exploring new food

Only Food can meet taste bud. Because I am a restaurant owner and a foody I try to explore new food at travel time. Some I found tasty and sometime not but everytime it's too interesting for me to find out the traditional food of that place and eat. Different food of different places increase joy at the time of traveling. I have a dream to visit Pakistan only to taste their biryani.
That's all for today. I tried my best to present my opinion. Please keep me in your consideration if any.

Thank you so much for reading my post
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