Shaggy Pholiota, or scaly Pholiota, is an edible autumn mushroom. Its Latin title is Pholiota Squarrosa. I already shared my picture of matured shrooms, and today I met some young, very fresh ones.
Foto above is a macro focus stake (made from two frames),
Due to the sharp contrast lightening pictures turned out in such a strange manner. Looks like some some mutantic outerspace aliens, invading Mother Earth... dont you think? Very lovely and photo-friendly shrooms! I really love their outlook.
location: | St.Petersburg, Russia | September 2020 | natural lighting |
camera/lens: | Canon 5D | Sigma 150mm | raw-conv. |
When they grow up and mature, they no longer look so spike-dangerous and menacing.
This was a short post, it is all I wanted to show you concerning this mushroom -- mother nature's amazingly looking creature. There exist other species in Pholiota family, some of them are toxic and no way edible, but I havent seen them yet. This post go for #AmazingNature challenge hosted by @adalger.