Report as Steem Representative, 04.05.2024

Today I will not report on my daily activities, I think it is easy to find out about all this by looking at my profile. I would like to focus on just one issue.

Recently, my next paid campaign to promote Steem on Instagram ended. First, I will briefly mention its results.


This time, I was promoting this reel. It is worth noting that every time I improve the targeting parameters and my campaigns become more and more effective.


The goal of the campaign was visits to the profile. I managed to get 59 visits for UAH 1,428 ($37), that is, only 63 cents for 1 visit.


I also gained 11 new followers thanks to this campaign. The target audience was English-speaking people from some countries in Europe, North America and Australia.

And now I can move on to the question itself.

After each new campaign, interested people start asking me questions in private messages. Usually, the questions are quite simple and strongly depend on the region where a person lives. For example, when I ran a campaign targeting Africa, people were mostly interested in whether Steemit was really profitable or a scam.

But this time the questions were more difficult. People were interested in what Steemit can give them that Instagram, Facebook or TikTok cannot. Why should we sign up for Steemit and even more so buy STEEM?

That turned out to be a good question.

For people who take 2 seconds of their time to watch some video and immediately scroll on, Steemit definitely has nothing to offer. The situation is similar with those who literally live on Instagram. There he communicates with friends using video conferences and publishes reels. For such people, ease of use and the maximum spread of the platform are important. Content rewards? It's great, but it's kind of hard, you also have to write something...

And then I remembered about "Proof-of-Brain". This saying is often seen when talking about "early" Steemit. Steemit will never be as massive as Instagram, because in order to earn rewards, you need to put a lot of effort into creating each post. And this is good. It is important that it remains so. Steemit has the potential to be a great place where people know how to write interestingly and at the same time always have something interesting to read. Here you can share the necessary information and here you can find it first-hand.

Partial confirmation of this is the results of my last paid Instagram campaign. This time the target audience was people whose interests include writing and blogging. And bingo! I have never received such interest and such interaction. All thanks to the fact that people who are interested in writing do not like short content so much. Now I am confident that my advertising campaign can be scaled.

However, we should take steps to make it easier to interact with the platform, which will allow us to attract more interested people. And the first point here is the visual editor. I'm just convinced that Steemit urgently needs a visual editor to make it easier for people to type and design their posts.

That's all for today 🙂. I know that the whole civilized world has already celebrated Easter, but unfortunately, we have this holiday tomorrow. Therefore, taking this opportunity, I wish you a good peaceful day and a festive mood!

Thanks and let's each of us do something for Steem💪.

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