The diary game, teaching my child the harmful effect of stubbornness using Bible based publication. (6/3/2022)


myself with my daughter



When a special gift is being given to someone from a loved one, the receiver will intend to keep the gift safe. Not allowing anything to happen to it. The same thing is applicable to our children. Our giver of life, who loves us more than any human being,has given us the most precious gift. What is that gift? Our children. In other to make God happy, we should train these young ones,in a way they will grow up to bring honor to God's them. So, in this diary game, I will be taking about Bible lessons I inculcated into my child, and other things that took place before and after that.

It's morning already


A pretty Sunday morning with sound health. I had to give the almighty God glory for his immense love and care. After personal prayers. I woke up my baby girl so that, we can have a morning devotion.Done with the 30 minutes worship, I asked her to brush her teeth while I sweep the environment. After sweeping, I brushed my teeth, wash my hands before going to the kitchen. Since our Christian studies will resume by 9:30am, I prepared just tea and 🍞 bread to be our breakfast. Before 8:15am, we are done eating and ready for the meeting too.The most important thing I learnt from our studies is that, those trusting in Jehovah will never lack something good. That is assurance from God.

Afternoon section


I and my child after studying with her

You will believe with me that children of today are very stubborn. In other to help my child know how Jehovah feels about stubbornness, I used stories in the Bible. We read about the King of Egypt called pharaoh. When Jehovah sent Moses and Aaron to go tell him, that he should let the Israelites his poeple to go. He refused by asking Moses, Who is Jehovah that he will listen to him. His stubbornness, led him and his poeple to suffer 10 plagues from Jehovah. At the end, him and his chariots, died at the river Nile.

After this reading this touching stories for her from the Bible, she said.

Mommy pharaoh is too stubborn.

I told her yes, he is. Then I asked her, what she thinks about children not being obedient to their parents. She said,

Is not good.

I now told her that, our parents always have our good interest at heart. So, is good to always listen to them so that we will not end like pharaoh. We closed with prayers at the end of the study.



helping my daughter to do her homework

I told her to bring her books so that I can assist her with he assignment. After the homework, I told her to rest since we have taking our lunch. The next thing I did was to start writing my weekly report as a Moderator in Steemalive Community. Done with my report, we went to have some times with my family members. From there we came back home, took our dinner. And called it a fulfilled day.



It's good to teach our young ones sometimes with stories found in God's word the Bible. With Jehovah's help, it will surely have positive effect on them.

💯 of this post is dedicated to @steemalive

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