Hi friends am Called Claude Nji Atanga, in this post i will be talking about my family.

As mentioned above i am Claude Nji Atanga, the male of a set of twin born from a single mother, Clautilda Tengu Atanga is my two sister's name.
We hail from Mbengwi, Momo division northwest region of Cameroon and our dialet is Meta.
Being children from a single mother, by name Atanga Vivian Njweng we practically grew up in the family home of our mothers'.

In this post i won't be able to talk about the entire family pending to the fact that my grandfather had two wives and fifteen children but trust me every body in this family shows a lot of uniqueness and very interesting talents.
So that said i am going to focus on talking about myself and my twin sister, my mum and my grandfather.

Claude and Clautilda( Nji and Tengu), thats how we are commonly called in the family. We are the first grand children of the family reason why we bear the name of our grandfather since we haven't had a biological father from birth.
We were both given birth to in the year 1993 in very trying circumstances as our mother could bearly handle herself and the pregnancy as she was still very young, a student in form two by then. We attended primary school at C.S Mbengwi ( Catholic school Mbengwi) this is the chief town of Momo division in the northwest region of Cameroon.
But unfortunately me being asthmatic i couldn't go to school for two years as my mother struggled to get me out of the situation while she made sure my twin sister continued school. (Those were very had times as i spent months on oxygen in the hospital).
After battling with asthma, i finally joined my twin sister in secondary school two years later( she was in form three by the time i was getting to form one). I attended a government school G.B.H.S Mbengwi ( Government Bilingual High school Mbengwi) while she schooled in a mission school.
After secondary and high school we all wrote several competitive examinations. I was fortunate to succeed in the entrance to study Business Administration in Management while she got her entrance into the regional college of agriculture where she studied to become an agricultural engineer.

As a struggling university student, i was very keen to taking directions the will earn me a job as fast as possible so that i will be able to start supporting my family. So i started doing some research on my own on project writing and Entrepreneurship, it earned me a reputation amongst my friends and finally landed me to having a job as the project officer of the Ndop women's empowerment center which am still keeping till date. Started working back when i was in level two undergraduate.
myself, my grandfather and my twin sister
My twin sister now works with an International company.

Now lets talk about my mum and my grandfather.

My mother is the fifth daughter to the first wive of my grandfather. My mother who had to drop out of achool in form two because she had to sacrifice for us to become what we are today has been my source of stronghold in life so far.
She dropped out of school did mini jobs to take care of us and the later she started learning some skills in typewritten which earned her a job as a secretary, this sustained her for a while until innovation in technology started changing rapidly until she almost lost her job but she held on tied din intense in service trainings to equip and update her skills. But as a woman of ambition her not going to school back then didn't stop her so she later enrolled in an evening school where she had her ordinary and advance levels. She later took full course on secreterait duties which she is now working professionally at the faculty of health sciences at the university of Bamenda Cameroon.
She is now married to my step father who is a prison general in the ministry of justice, penitentiary administration of Cameroon.
My mother has been through tough times in her life just can't say all in here.


My grandfather, Mr Atanga Clement Fon who died a month ago was quite an enthusiastic gentleman. He was a retired medical doctor who served for over 40years.
He was a very calm and peaceful man, doesn't talk to much but heavily endowed with knowledge and wisdom.
From my childhood days i noticed he had been very active in seeing that i and my twin sister had at least a living. He was very supportive to my my mum. Especially to me as i was asthmatic, thanks to him and his follow up am living without asthma today. He has been an excellent grandfather. May his sould rest in peace, i will forever miss him, he has been a true father.
After his retirement he settled in his compound in Mbengwi, momo division northwest region of Cameroon. Then he worked in his farms to keep himself busy and he will never absent from church for any reason.

Today i have grown to become a man with passion of serving humanity especially advocating for women in our communities oweing to how i grew up and how my life has evolved.
I have passion for project writing, Entrepreneurship, gender activism and humanitarian works in general.
Football being my hobby.


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