Choices! What will it be? #38

Hello dear fellows! How are you? I hope you will be fine and will be enjoying the nature and its beauty. I am @akmalshakir and I am here to participate in this beautiful contest of choices organized by @patjewell. If you want to participate feel free to show up here CONTEST & Winners! Choices! What will it be? #38 so guys let's start exploring my choice from the given things. I have chosen Fireworks as mine choice.



Image by Nick from Pixabay

A firework is a device which burst out and produce a sound. It is filled with the gunpowder as well as other combustible chemicals. When it is ignited the gunpowder and other chemicals burn and they produce a sound and displays the explosion and combustion.

Fireworks are used in the celebrations. Even if we see or listen to the fireworks it is symbol of the celebrations. It fascinates people of all ages. The dazzling display of light and colour make them unique and fascinating. Fireworks have become an integral part of each celebration and each event. If I say that without the use of fireworks an event does not complete then it will not be wrong. It plays role everywhere whether it is the celebration of a new year, a wedding ceremony, opening ceremony, launching ceremony or a birthday celebration. Fireworks have become an essential part of our cultural traditions.

History and Origin

The history of fireworks is interesting and its origin is also captivating. Its origin lies from the china. You will be surprised to know about the existence of the fireworks as they were invented 2000 years ago in China. In the start of their invention these were used for the religious events and for the special ceremonies. Actually the Chinese believed that in the religious events and special ceremonies there should not be the evil forces. So they used fireworks to ward off the evil spirits from them. Because fireworks produce loud explosive noises so Chinese used them to ward off the bad spirits. So in the start there were only noise making fireworks but as the time passed Chinese started more experiments. And finally with the use of different chemicals they introduced coloured fireworks.

As the time passed fireworks started to become popular other than China. Their popularity spread widely in the whole world. Fireworks reached Europe in the middle ages. These were considered as a symbol of power and dignity. In order to express power and hold fireworks were used in the royal ceremonies. These were the part of the royal events and celebrations to make them more unique and distinct than others. Later on Italian took an entry to fireworks. And they got expertise in the formation of fireworks. Abd they were known for their best expertise in the fireworks craftsmanship. The art of pyrotechnics truly flourished in Italy.

Types of fireworks


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Here are a few types of fireworks which are commonly used in our daily life.

Aerial Fireworks: These are the most used and popular types of fireworks. These are launched into the sky and they burst out by going at their extreme level upward. They produce beautiful colourful patterns.

Ground Fireworks: These are amazing fireworks which stay on the ground. They create dazzling effects. They emit colourful sparks and one can hold them in hand easily during their activity. These act like a fountain from which the flames are released.

Sparklers: Sparklers are made up of the metal wire on which there is a coating of the fireworks. They are used in hand and they produce sparks of white colour. I have used them many times when I was a child.

Roman Candles: These are very lovely fireworks. These are the long tubes. And they shoot out a series of colourful stars or other patterns. These are used in the wedding ceremonies and in the other celebrations. When they reach in the sky they burst immediately and produce multiple and colorful patterns.

Firecrackers: Firecrackers are the common fireworks which are famous for the loud noise. When they are ignited they produce an explosive distinct sound.

Smoke Bombs: Smoke bombs are the most lovely fireworks. They create beautiful scenes. These are often used in the movies as well. These produce dense colourful clouds when they are ignited. Moreover people who travel in the deserts or forests keep them to give a signal by igniting them if they lose themselves.

How are fireworks made?

As we know that fireworks are the amazing things. So I am going to tell a general way for the production of the fireworks so that we can become aware of their production.

  • First of all pyrotechnic compositions are made. These are the pictures of the chemicals to get the desired effects. There is a need for careful measurement.

  • After that the next step is to shape the compositions into the desired firework design. It can be stars or fues.

  • Then all the components are assembled for the formation of the fireworks.

  • After the complete assembling the fireworks are tested to check if they are giving the desired results or not. The safety is also checked.

  • So the fireworks are ready and now it is the time to pack them by applying your label.

But beware that production of the fireworks needs expertise. So do not try making it at home.



Image by Tom Hill from Pixabay

And similarly the fireworks spread in the whole world and everyone became aware of the fireworks. And in the current days fireworks have become essential part of the celebrations and special occasions. They are used to light up the sky in the night. They represents the different colours. Fireworks create a sense of awe and wonder among the viewers. They become astonish after seeing the amazing view of fireworks in the sky. Fireworks add magic to the joy and enjoyment of the events whether it is a national holiday or a private gathering. Their popularity can be seen from the day by day grieving industry of fireworks. All the time new fireworks are coming in the market. And china is the major supplier of fireworks in the whole world.

Social Impact

Fireworks have a deep social impact. Fireworks bring different communities together and purdue unity. They spread happiness and joy in the social life. When all the people come together and enjoy the festivity of the fireworks then these enable people to make beautiful memories. Some people bring specially designed fireworks to surprise other people. They use them to amuse the community and to spread smiles on their faces. People enjoy the fireworks. Even children play with the fireworks. They use the fireworks to surprise each other by dropping a noisy firework near their friends. They play with them and be one happy by irritating others with the use of the fireworks.

Fireworks connect the local people with the artists and designers of the fireworks. Because people experience the amazing colours and sketches in the fireworks and then they praise amthe artists and wonder on their talent. So people enjoy the beautiful visual displays with the great sound. Some fireworks are sent into the air and when they burst they produce a lot of sound like a big explosive.

Economic Impacts

Fireworks is the biggest industry and it has a lot of impacts on the economy. It plays a great role in the economic growth where the fireworks are used greatly such as in the cultural celebrations and traditions. Fireworks manufacturing plants produce employments for the workers. It generates jobs for the supliers and sellers. It helps to improve the local economy. When big ebegsz functions and shows of the fireworks are arranged then different people from different farvoff places visit the events and it increases the tourist attraction which is also a source of income. In this way local business generate revenue. Different fireworks exhibitions also give a chance for the improvement of the local economy. Because during these events people come from distant places and they stay in the hotels and eat from there in this way the cash inflow increases in the local restaurants and hotels.

It is very necessary that fireworks should always be used with great care and safety. Once my cousin was using a big firework at the wedding. He ignited it and the angle of the firework changed and it turned towards his eye and he lost his eye. So please while using fireworks be careful.

So it is all about the fireworks. I have collected all the information and details by exploring the internet using Google. Some information was from Wikipedia

I am inviting @mehwish-almas, @mesola, @goodybest to join this amazing contest.

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