The Diary game - #12: share your day with us! My trip back home; a mixture of ease and discomfort.


A beautiful view of my journey of ease and discomfort

Greetings my beautiful ladies. Warm regards and may your day be beautiful. Am Glad to participate in this amazing contest and am elated to share my diary of a journey I took on 1/11/23 which was indeed a mixture of ease and discomfort

My morning started with so much anticipation for me because I have planned to travel back home having been away for over a month.

Hence I woke up by 5am when my alarm went off and said my prayers. I proceeded to brush my teeth and then washed the plates in the sink. I had earlier gone to visit a friend and slept over at the friends place so I had to pack up my little hand bag and proceeded to visit another friend for some assistance I needed.

She was warm and welcoming and really helpful. We gisted and talked about so many things. It was a long morning visit. And when I was done, I crowned the morning with a plate of jolloff riced served by the host. So I had breakfast.


Me and my sweet plate of jollof rice

After much gisting, I had to continue my journey as I said earlier I needed to travel out of town and my stuffs are yet to be arranged. So I had to leave to proceed to where I was staying with a friend because I had come into town earlier and was hanging out at a friends place. I left another friends place earlier in the morning and was now to go to my temporal abode. I took a bike and got home at about 1pm.


My box all packed and ready for my journey

I did a quick packing of my stuffs into the box I was to use for my travel as u can see in the picture above. After packing, I had my bath and by now it was almost past 3pm. So I was seen off my my friend to where I would board a bike and proceed on my journey.

I entered a bike to another bus stop and from there entered a bike to portharcourt road where I boarded another bus going to portharcourt. I had some persons with me in the bus and I met an old acquittance whom I had lost touch with over the years in the bus. We exchanged pleasantries and talked a little. The journey continued. The was actually a journey of easy as we were very few in the bus and there was plenty space to spread my legs. The road was very smooth and free

A view of me in the free bus and good road

I got to portharcourt late in the evening at about past 7pm and I still needed to continue by journey to another side of the town and this was where my distress began.

I boarded a bus and there were just about 3 passengers out of the eighteen passengers. I was kind of disturbed because it was already getting late and where I stay is not really safe arriving at night. A passenger alighted from the bus that loaded before the one I was inside and I decide to go and take the empty space since I was in a hurry and that was where my ordeal started.

The journey started and we left but there was no atom of comfort. The bus is kinda compact so we were just squeezed together and there wasn’t even a single space in between my laps. The seat was so uncomfortable. The lady beside me kept complaining and asking we adjust cos she was fat and was barely even sitting at the small portion of seat close to the door. My legs aches so badly from the squeeze. It was so bad that I couldn’t even bend to scratch an itch on my legs as we journeyed.

As if that wasn’t enough the bus was so overloaded with goods and my mind wasn’t at rest as to the safety of my box cos it was on top of the bus. There has been stories of people bags falling off during such journeys and was never recovered. The roads were so bad and the bus kept galloping. The driver had to stop from time to time to ensure non of the loads has fallen off.

The temperature in the bus was another call for distress due to the much loads and how we were squeezed, there wasn’t much ventilation. I was sweating. I was wearing a long hair and had tied it into a bun to reduce heat and provide a little comfort but funny enough there was a child behind me in the other seat literally sleeping on my hair. The turning and disturbance made the bun to loose and my hair fell. The heat increased and I couldn’t even turn to tie it again. The lady by my left literally had her elbow on my stomach and waist region and this caused so much discomfort and pain. I pleaded with her to remove her elbow which she did but she would have to hang her hands up for her to be comfortable so I had to allow her keep back her hand and bear the whole discomfort. It was indeed a journey of discomfort. The roads were so bad that a journey of one hour took over two hours.


A picture of the dead strangers in my kitchen

It was a breath of fresh air as I finally arrived home at past 9pm. I took my bath and went to my kitchen to fix short dinner only for me to see coakcroches everywhere. I hated roaches. I had to spray insecticide immediately and there were over 25 roaches dead in my kitchen. I was relieved to get rid of them though. I ate and was so relieved as I embraced my pillow. It was indeed a journey of ease and discomfort and am glad I got home safely.

Thank you for visiting my blog and having a time out with me. I would like to invite my beautiful friends to follow this lovely contest @ninapenda @goodybest @cindy20 . Wish you a blissful day.

Thank you


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