Choices! What will it be? #37


Oh, it's Christmas, the world's popular long awaited celebration. They call it celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Since morning all I've been hearing are screams of Merry Christmas. Those who barely chatted me remembered me today. Those who usually pend messages will reply today.

They sent greetings of Christmas to my chat box . Almost everyone were in amazement that today would actually be the best day of their lives. Merry Christmas she says....What is Merry Christmas?

Merry Christmas

The word Merry means Enjoy and Christmas is a popular celebration that most people propose as the birth of Jesus. Merry Christmas is actually a greeting that comes with the season, a festive season called Christmas.


This greeting expresses good wishes and joy for a happy and enjoyable moment on Christmas day. It actually invites everyone to partake in the merriment that's why almost everyone says it today and will continue to say it until the festive season is over. Let's look at the origin of the Christmas they are actually in merriment.

The Origin of Christmas

Christmas has had this long standing description as a popular celebration to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas, says the Encyclopedia of Religion means Christ Mass which means the mass celebrating Christ birth according to customs. Christmas actually had its roots from pagan Roman festivals held at year's end, the time of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

This pagan festival includes honouring the god of agriculture, the god of Saturn and Roman Sol and Persian Mithra which were the two sun gods. Both birthdays were celebrated on December 25th, the winter solstice if we're to check the Jewish calendar or actually trace it. So those pagan festivals began to be Christianised I'm the year 350 when a Pope celled Julius declared that date to be Christ's birthday.

According to the Encyclopedia of Religion, it says imagery cr increasingly bto be uses to portray the risen Christ who was also called sol invinctus. Biblical evidence rules out a winter date for commemorating the birth of Jesus because logically when Jesus was born, shepherds were still outdoors looking over their flocks. If this was actually the date, the shepherds wouldn't have taken their sheep out there in the cold.


The members of the early church were recruited from among pagan at the establishment of a festival . The celebration wasn't observed in the first centuries of the Christian church. It was the 5th century the Western church ordered the featured to be celebrated on the same day of the Mithra of the birth of the sun and at the close of saturnalia as there's certain knowledge of the days of Christ birth ever existed..

Among the Celtic tribes, the winter solstice bis considered an important point in the year and was commemorated in return of the sun. All the standard encyclopedia agree that the date of Jesus is not known and that 25th december is borrowed from the Romans, along with their customs and festivities.


The Julian calendar retains numerous remnants of pre Christian festivals of which Christmas is included which blends elements that includes the feast of Saturnalia and the birthday of Mithra Actually corresponds to pagan festivals that took place around the time of the winter solstice to celebrate of the sun. On this day, the sun began to return to northern skies, the pagan devotees of Mithra celebrated the birthday of the invincible sun.

My source of Information

In conclusion, we've seen that the root of Christmas is tied to the pagan origin of festivities that involved celebrations that portrays idolatry which displeases God. Even Jesus himself never for once said we should celebrate his birth rather his death. Imagine someone does things you never liked or asked him to? How would you feel?

These are my viewpoints from cited sources if you want to read for more information. Hence while merry Christmas may be good for many, we should know the secrets behind the origin of the greetings. Thanks. I invite @vudeme123, @emmyjnr and @nsijoro to participate.


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