Choices! What will it be? #35

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"Speech bubble are the cartoonist' way of sneaking up on you. You turn a page and you suddenly some character is talking to take you by surprise"-Art spiegelman, author of the graphic novel Maus.

Oh it my delights to participate in the contest organized by @patjewell,l have a choice,lt is speech bubble, surprise right! Ok before l processed and explain the reason why l choose speech bubble,l would like to invite @pandora2010,@eliany,@solaymann, @icon-monday and @ripon0630 to Join this contests and make thier choice

Welcome to my opinion about speech bubbles ,go through you may possibly fine it interesting and great.

About Speech bubble

A speech bubble also known as a speech balloon, is a graphic element used in comics and other forms of visual storytelling to represent dialogue.The bubble is usually round or oval-shaped,and is typically drawn around the head of a character to indicate that they are speaking.

The words of the character's speech are then written inside the bubble. Speech bubbles are used to convey information and advance the story,and they can also be used to show the emotions and tone of the speaker.


The use of speech bubble in art can be traced back to ancient cave paintings and hieroglyphics, where symbols were used to represent words. However, the modern concept of the speech bubble is often attributed to the French artist Rodolphe Topffer, Who use speech bubbles in his comic strips in the 1830s. In the 20th century, comic artist like Will Eisner and Jack Kirby continued to experiment with speech bubbles, using them in New and in ways. Today, speech bubbles are a common feature of comic, graphic novels, and even some forms of advertising and web design.


There are several different types of speech bubbles,each with it's own function and purpose. But on this contest, l will like to share the four most common use type and give some little explaination to each.

Standard speech bubbles:it is the most common type of speech bubbles used to indicate the dialogue of a character.

Thought bubbles: These are used to indicate a character's inner thoughts or feelings.

Asides speech bubble: These are used to show a character's thought that are not necessarily related to the main dialogue.

Narration speech bubbles: These are used to provide information or context for the reader, and are typically not spoken by a character.

How to draw Speech bubble

Drawing a speech bubble is actually quite easy! All you need is a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Start by drawing a rounded shape, like an oval or a circle. Then, draw a tail coming out of the bottom of the bubble.This is where the speaker's words will go.

Next add a bubble around the outside of the bubble to give it some definition.

Finally, add a tail coming out of the side of bubbles to indicate who is speaking. And that is it!. You can add some personality to it by adding color or making it different shapes.


lmportant of Speech bubble

Speech bubble are an important part of comics and other forms of visual storytelling because they allow the creator to convey information and emotion in a clear and concise way. They can be used to show the personality of a character,thier mood and even thier accent or dialect.ln addition, speech bubble can also be used to advance the plot,add humor,or even create suspense.

Without speech bubbles,comics and other forms of visual storytelling would be much less engaging and next time read a comic or watch an animated film, pay attention to the speech bubbles and how they add to the overall experience 😜😊.

ls Speech bubble relevantly use in steemit platform?

While speech bubbles are not technically used on the steemit platform,the concept of expressing thoughts and feelings through visual means is still very relevant. On steemit, users often express themselves through images,videos and GIFs, which can communicate ideas and emotions in a similar way to speech.

ln fact, many steemit users even use image of speech bubbles in thier post to indicate that they are expressing an opinion or sharing a thought. So, while speech bubble may not be a literal feature of steemit,the concept is still very much present and relevant 🥰🤩.

Understanding Speech bubble is it relevant to adult and children!

Speech bubble can be used by both children and adults, but there are some differences in how they are used. For children,it can be a great way to learn about communication,as they provide a visual representation of the words being spoken. They can also be used to teach children about grammar and sentence structure.

For adult speech bubble can be used to express more complex ideas and emotions,and can even be used as a form of satire or whether you're a child or an adult, speech bubble can be a valuable tool for communication and self-expression. 💡💭


In summary, speech bubble is graphic element used in comics and other forms of visual storytelling to represent dialogue and communication.Although speech bubble are not literally used on steemit,the concept of communication and engagement is still an important part of the platform.

In conclusion, speech bubble may not be physically present on steemit, the idea of engaging in a conversation with other is the part of the experience.So,in a sense, speech bubbles are still are still very relevant to steemit.

Thanks so much for the reeding my post

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