Choices! What will it be? #37

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" Mistletoe, which men in the middle ages hung to keep off witches,now draws the sweetheart under it"_ Joseph Addison.

It's a funny quote that highlights the shift in our cultural understanding of mistletoe over the centuries.l like it because, it's both clever and thought-provoking.

Welcome to my choice of the.week,it is Mistletoe, Be patience, read down to the end and enjoy all l know about my choice.


Mistletoe is a unique and intriguing plant that has a long history folklore and is an evergreen plant that grows in trees and is characterize by it's clusters of small,white berries.ln some parts of the world, mistletoe is considered to be a symbol of love and fertility.

lt is often associated with Christmas and is used as a decoration during the holiday season.

In some cultures, it is Believed that if two people stand under the mistletoe is beautiful and festive,it is also poisonous,so care should be taken when handling it.

The history of mistletoe is fascinating and goes back thousand of years.Mistletoe has been mentioned in ancient Celtic,Norse and Greek mythology, often being associated with fertility, healing and protection.

During the middle Ages,Mistletoe was believe to ward off evil Spirits and was hung over door ways and in homes.

In Victorian England,kissing under the mistletoe became a popular Christmas tradition.
Today, Mistletoe is still widely used as a decoration and a symbol of good luck.

The important of mistletoe extends beyond it's beauty and lore. Mistletoe is a keystone species in many ecosystems, meaning that it plays a the environment. Mistletoe provide food and habitat for many different types of wildlife, including birds,insects and other small animals.

It also helps to promote the growth of other plants and it berries provide a valuable food source for wildlife.

Mistletoe has been used in traditional medicine for centuries,and some modern research suggests that it may have medicinal properties.

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Yes, there are a number of potential health benefits associated with mistletoe.

Mistletoe extract has been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including cancer, inflammation and arthritis.

While there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims,some studies have found that mistletoe extract may have anti-inflammatory,anti-oxidant and anticancer properties.

In addition, mistletoe is a good source of vitamin C and other nutrients and it has been used as natural remedy for cold and other respiratory infections.

Mistletoe is an edible plant,in fact some varieties of mistletoe have been used as a good source for thousand of years. They can be eaten raw or cooked,and they have a slightly sweet, slightly better taste.Some cultures even use Mistletoe berries to make wine,jam and tea.

However,note that, not all varieties of mistletoe are edible,so it is important to know the specific type of mistletoe you're dealing with before consuming it.Even with all this health benefits,it is important to note that mistletoe can be toxic,so it should only be used under the supervision of an experienced personnels.


Mistletoe is considered to be toxic if ingested and it can cause a range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and even deaths in severe cases. While the berries are the most toxic part of the plant, other part, including the leave and stems can also be poisonous.

Pet and young children are especially susceptible to the harmful effect of mistletoe,so it is important to keep the plant out of reach.

In adult the toxic components of mistletoe are group of chemicals called phoratoxins.These compounds are present in all part of the plant, but the most concentrated in the berries, When ingested by and adult,the phoratoxins can cause a number of different symptoms including gastrointestinal upset, Lower blood pressure, and cardiac arrest.

In severe cases, phoratoxins can be fatal. The toxicity of mistletoe varies depending on the species and some varieties are more poisonous than others.ln general the European mistletoe (viscum album) is considered to be most toxic variety.

Mistletoe is most commonly found in the temperate forests of North America, Europe and Asia. lt grows as a parasitic plant on the branches of trees, drawing nutrients from the host tree. Mistletoe is most commonly associated with the Christmas season, where it's often used a decoration and hung in doorways as a symbol of good luck.

I would like to invite @pandora2010, @stephenkendal @ridwant @eliany and @nexcis to participate in this contests and make thier choice.

Thanks so much for spending your precious time on my post. Much love and a big hug 💋. Remain blessed 🙏.

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