CONTEST! Choices! What will it be?: ICE CREAM!

Hello Ladies,

for this week's choice, I have no doubts: ice cream!

I really like sweets, but I think ice cream is my favorite. So much so that I enjoyed drawing some of them.

my drawing

From my childhood memories, standing in front of the ice cream parlor with all those colorful flavors has never left me! I think I've tried them all! My absolute favorites are pistachio and coconut, but I also love melon and cream caramel. And then there are those special flavors that I appreciate as an adult, like tiramisu, crunchy with rum and whiskey (just the taste, there's no alcohol!).

There have also been very strange tastes, for example the smurf flavor, all blue and smurfette all pink! Now I rarely see him in the ice cream shop, but he comes back every now and then! I don't know exactly what's in it!

For me, ice cream should always be accompanied by a wafer, cone or cup, I love to nibble together with ice cream!

my drawing
A particular thing that I recently discovered is that only in some countries, including mine, ice cream is a seasonal dessert, that is, it is eaten starting in spring and in summer or in any case when it is hot. So even if there are ice cream parlors open all year round and ice creams also exist in some supermarkets (very few), there are few people who eat them in winter, and they don't even advertise on TV.

I thought this was a habit for everyone...but I recently discovered that in other countries they eat them and sell them all year round even if it snows, for example... maybe they eat them in front of the fireplace like other desserts.

In the past, for a while I also saw some advertisements here in winter, but obviously it didn't work! Old habits die hard.

my drawing

It, therefore, happens that when the heat arrives, the first ice creams have a very special taste! Even if you are almost 50 years old! Ehehh, so a huge queue forms at the ice cream shop!

In addition to the ice cream shop, I can't resist when I go to the supermarket and there are ice creams for sale, so there's always ice cream in my fridge, but I have to force myself to buy only one flavor so as not to overdo it! Now I can only eat very light flavors, such as fruit ones and I eat very little, for example no more than one cup a week, so waiting makes it even tastier!

my drawing
At home, every now and then, we try to make lemon sorbet, with lemons from our tree, it's not as perfect as the one from the ice cream shop, but it's very good and it's light because we use few ingredients.

Thank you for reading!

I invite the ladies @silviadiez and @isabelpena to enter the contest.

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