Choices! What will it be? #24 || Blossoms


Hello friends, though I will be participating this contest late, but my choice for this week is blossoms. Let's dive right in...

Whenever the word blossoms comes to mind, the next thing to think about are flowers. Flowers are the blooms of flowering plants. Blossoms are flowers, which make nature beautiful. Blossoms are not permanent, their life cycle is short compared to the leaves but even in this impermanence, blossoms add beauty to plants, and also to nature.


It is always beautiful to see the way the sun shines through the petals of a blossom, such beauty that comes with nature is always a lovely sight to behold.

Have you ever been opportune to enjoy the fragrance of blossoms during harmattan seasons...the hard fragrance from those flowers are very appealing. The sight of seeing the swaying of these blossoms, is a great one.

Blossoms are of different types, some are very soft and fragile, others are tougher, but the softness of the petals, always reminds us frail life could be. The vibrant colors of the petals also makes the blossoms special, its delicate veins in the leaves, the sweet nectar at the heart of the blossom, the way the blossom changes as it blooms, the way the blossom falls to the ground as it withers. These shows the life cycle of flowers.


       Life Cycle of Blossoms


The blossoms don't just appear, they have a life cycle. They come to life and wither away after some time, just like every other living organism, it is frail and passes away with time. This is the life cycle of the blossoms...

  • The blossoms are hidden when it starts developing, it starts as a small little bud which is tightly closed.

  • The bud begins to open up and the flower is then seen ,such beautiful sight to behold. It could be compared to the shedding of a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Just like the butterfly, the bud doesn't need assistance to open up. The butterfly cracks out from its caterpillar and develops its wings, any help from external forces, kills the butterfly. The bud can be like to that. When the petals of the flowers comes out, it attracts pollinators like insects and bed, which helps to produce either fruits or seeds.

  • The blossoms blooms out to its full glory and then withers away with time. The flowers of the plants are gone and only left with the leaves.
    Such a short and beautiful life well spent on earth.

       Examples of Blossoms

Blossoms are of different types, the most known blossoms are:

Rose flowers; these flowers are special and have red colours. People love the rose flower so much and it is always used as a symbol of love.

Lavender; Loved by bees and butterflies, this particular flower is a wonderful one, as it has specific functions and even medicinal values.

Tulips: Tulips have different colours like red, purple etc, it is a flower that is very pleasing to behold.

Daisies: These are also special flowers and they are very beautiful too.

There are other blossoms like marigold, sunflower, periwinkle, Iris etc..

  Importance of Blossoms

Blossoms are very important to plants and even animals. Their importance is widely acknowledged as follows:

  • Blossoms are needed by insects, as they provide insects, birds, and so on with food. Insects and birds feed from the pollen grains of blossoms, thereby also causing pollination in the process.

  • Blossoms are a great factor in the pollination of plants, without them, it will be impossible for flowering plants to reproduce. When insects, birds or animals get their food from the pollen grains, some of the particles falls from the anther of the flower to the stigma, whereby reproduction happens.

  • Maintains a healthy ecosystem: blossoms help to keep the ecosystem safe. Its ability to be a source of food to both animals and man, keeping the atmosphere healthy can't be looked down on.

  • A source of beauty and decoration: Blossoms keeps the environment beautiful, reasons why flowers are adored are because it is aesthetically beautiful. It makes nature more appreciative.

Blossoms are wonderful parts of plants that adds not just beauty but also other importances that has kept the world in a balance

Thanks for reading my post

I invite @inemesitjustus and @onlyonefave to participate in this contest.


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