Good day beautiful steamians, it's a pleasure being on this platform with you all. I'll like to write about female in professional trades/courses common to the male folks. I'll focus on the building trade- masonry.

What is Masonry

According to the English dictionary, Masonry is "That which is built by a mason; anything constructed of the materials used by masons, such as stone, brick, tiles, or the like. Dry masonry is applied to structures made without mortar".
Generally, masonry is the act of building or erecting walls either with block or bricks and the use of mortar (binding agent) to enclose space, create forms and other desirable construction. And the personnel who performs this action is called a mason. Locally, a mason is often referred to as a bricklayer. try calling that bricklayer you know is good at his trade a mason today😁.


Masonry is often done by able bodied men as it requires strength and energy to perform the task. And some Masons are usually so lean and haggard as a result of numerous factors, topping the list is financial instability often because of scarcity of jobs. Hence giving the impression that masonry is for the lowly and a road to poverty.

In modern times, few persons are actively engaging in the profession these can be grouped into 2 category; those carrying the profession with pride and high esteem otherwise know as professionals and the artisan or tradesmens. Often times, the later focuses more on quantity i.e raising more number of blocks to make more wages than actual quality products which is achieved by plumbing, squaring, rubbing, leveling, etc. which can contribute to dancing walls or cracks.


How Wages are Earned

Asides daily pay, payment is made depending on the number of blocks a mason can lay. The total number of blocks laid is multiplied by the payment for each block which could range from ₦40-80 or above depending on what is agreed. So at the end of the day, it's possible to go with almost ₦5000 more or less depending on one's speed.

Women Engagement

While it is almost common to see women work as labourers; transporting concrete, mortar sand among others, it's rare to find female Masons. The energy requires in lifting blocks, setting and plumbing, etc. of blocks, standing under the sun depending on the weather makes it discouraging. I mean no woman wants to look all masculine and muscular. But fact is being masculine and muscular goes far beyond mason work.


Base on energy level, it may also prove difficult meeting with target hence reason to avoid the profession. But skill wise, it's very okay to have basic knowledge as it could help with minor renovation and maintenance in the house.
And one can also use it as a means of livelihood by working smart, working clean and working professionally. Women are swiftly participating in trades and profession common to men, masonry could just be one of such...







Masonry is a noble profession, it provides an avenue to create something, something impactful and provides comfort. It's also a sustainable means if livelihood...
N/B: I'm not mason but I seize every opportunity to give it a try, but I'm passionate about construction. A student architect. And very handy.


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