Out of the five items to choose from, I have chosen to write aboutice. Years back, there is this water that is tied in a small nylon bag and sold as ice water. This is what I just remembered when I saw ice among the list. The idea of that ice water is because it is usually ordinary water but refrigerated. It is supposed to be called cold water but our mentality then was just to call it ice water for coming out from the refrigerator. But don't blame us, haha! After all, we don't usually see ice itself unless you have refrigerator or hail stones fall during rainy season and that is on rare occasions.
However, I had the opportunity to learn about ice in school. Physics, chemistry, biology and even agriculture as subjects have ice as either a topic or just a mention. And as a person, I have had the opportunity to have my water in the fridge turned into ice to be able to hold whatever I put in the fridge in case of power failure. So I have seen ice before and I had also seen it fall to the ground on few occasions from heaven during rainy season, I have also seen snowflakes during harmattan seasons. What then is ice?
Ice is an element usually solid in nature which is produced by the freezing of water whether in its gaseous state to solid or liquid state to solid below 0°C.
To know the example of water vapour forming ice, we can readily think of ice that form in the cloud and form as snowflakes.
For liquid water turning into ice blocks, we can think of the ice blocks that forms in our refrigerators and the ice berg that forms in oceans.
These Ice that forms in earth waters can be seen in various forms. For example, we can remember ice glaciers which can be seen in the northern and southern poles of the earth. Recall the titanic incident, whose demise was caused by a collusion with an iceberg.
We also have some areas being covered entirely by ice. Additionally we have some freezing regions that leads to an entire lake, river and streams being entirely capped by ice. In fact ice is all around us.
Usefulness of Ice.
- Ice is very important in the ecological system of the world. Most of the world's water are in Ice forms called glaciers. Being in that form enables the land not to be covered by water thereby causing unnecessary loss of life and properties to humans.
However, due to global warming and activities of humans, these ice packs melt and some part chunks off from the body of glaciers and then floats into oceans. This poses attendant traffic risks for sea transportation channel and over flow of ocean and river banks.
Consequent upon that, aquatic flora and fauna in that habitat suffers destruction of their environment. This leads to the extinction of these plants and animal and affects the earths ecology negatively.
Secondly, it could be used to remove some skin rashes giving you a smoother and radiant skin. For skin issue like pimples, ice can directly be applied but most effective when used with cucumber and garlic.
It can also be used to massage the face, fight off acne, since its application tends to minimize oil excretion from the face. When applying on the face use a cloth to do so to avoid ice burns.
The use of Ice can reduce the level of wrinkles on our face. It helps to shrink the pores on our skins and in the process prevents dehydration and premature aging.of our skin.
Some people also take ice bath just a they have hot bath. Ice bath assist in lowering body temperature, mitigates inflammation on the skin and muscles too. But caution must be exercised to avoid extreme conditions of pneumonia.
This is why it is used on injuries to prevent pain and bleeding. Can make the arteries clot.this reduce loss of blood.
The normal application time duration of.ice on the body is between 10mins and 20 mins maximum. When applied on the body, we will experience initial numbness, but when.remived and after some seconds, we will then then witness its good effects on us.
It can also be allowed to melt and taken as water by so many.
Ice is an important element in our lives. We really need it to sustain the ecological diversity of the world.
We have also considered its uses on personal and family note. For some of us, we will not forget our favorite drink Vodka or Gin on Ice. Its wonderful calmness it brings to our body.
Whenever we see Ice, we must be grateful to its provider.
I invite @mesola @okere-blessing and @patudoh to take part.
This is my introductory post here