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“Iron, radio, potplant, cinema, chicken” I saw these topics, and my inner self just rolled her eyes at dear @patjewell, saying, “How could she give such unrelated topics!”
The odd mix of topics, however, piqued my interest in participating. But even after deciding to participate and write about cinema, I gave it long thought for three days. I wanted to know if I should write about something else or if I would rather choose something else.
The more I wondered, the more I felt I might try a million times, but if I were not in a famine, I would not choose chicken, and if I were not in a war zone, I would not choose a radio. I can do without ironing my clothes; plants are better on the ground than in pots. What I cannot do is imagine everyday life without cinema or the film industry.
Why is cinema so important?
A few months ago, I was too busy with work. I started early in the morning and returned home tired at night. I was becoming depressed day by day. Then a friend said, “Hey! You need to give yourself some time. Give at least ten minutes to yourself.” I liked this suggestion.
Being physically and mentally tired from working too much, I wondered what I could do in ten minutes. Then I started watching movies. I watched a film for about 10-15 minutes, or a bit longer, until it was finished. Within a week, I felt like myself again.
Photo from Unsplash
This experience reminds me of the famous saying by Alfred Hitchcock--
“Cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.”
sourceTo me, the cinema is a treat I can give myself occasionally. It is something that offers a finer touch of both imagination and life to a viewer. No matter how beautiful someone’s life is, there often is monotony. What better way to fill life with laughter, sorrow, action, new experience, or empathy than cinema?
Photo from Unsplash
One might argue that reading also provides us with the things I mentioned. I think all people are not good with visualizations. Even those good at visualization can learn to visualize differently when they see others’ imaginations on screen. This is why cinema can deeply rewire our thoughts, actions, and our lives. Probably everyone might relate if I ask each person to remember a time when they were feeling low and a good film motivated them to live a happier life within an hour or two.
For example, when we watch the movie “Life is Beautiful,” within two hours, we are bombarded with so many emotions, i.e., love, hatred for oppression, family bonding, sorrow, empathy, compassion, and hope in the direst of conditions. Good cinema like this can purge our souls in a way that can have a lasting effect on our lives.
I watch movies when I need some punch, when I am happy, or when I am just having a regular day. The cinema industry, with its magic, has motivated me to love deeply, live freely, and search for beauty even in the most unlikely places.
I am inviting @mariannewest, and @shiftitamanna.
--- @promah