Choices! What will it be? #22

Hello, my dear friends, this week our friend @patjewell has suggested a very important title for all ladies. That is CLEAN; as a lady, I believe that topic is very important to us. I'm not saying that men don't clean, but most of the house cleaning chores fall on women's shoulders. Therefore, today I decided to talk with you about house cleaning.

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Cleaning is an essential part of our daily lives. It may be a cleaning of a home, ensuring the safety and sanitation of a workplace, or keeping public places clean. Whatever the case, cleaning is essential to our overall well-being.

Most of the ladies consider house cleaning to be a difficult task. But, for me, cleaning is a relaxing and enjoyable activity. I am sure, you may be surprised to hear that. Don't be surprised; I'll explain in this article how to make it simple and enjoyable. I am sure if you follow my method, cleaning will be an enjoyable activity for you too.

Make it a habit to keep all the items you use, in a proper place after you finish your work. For example, when you sit at a table and get up from a chair, keep the chair in the same place where it was. After cutting the vegetable, keep the knife back in the proper place. Make it a habit to clean your kitchen as soon as you finish cooking. Then you need not to find extra time for cleaning.

Teach your kids to put their toys, after playing, in a proper place. In the beginning, you can help them to do that, then the child will learn to put those toys in the proper place after playing.

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To make the cleaning simple, keep all the frequently used items in an easily accessible location. As well as make a place for all those items, then it will be convenient to keep them in the proper place.

You are all aware that a clean bed always gives your room a neat appearance; therefore, make it a habit to arrange your bed as soon as you get out of bed. It will only take you two minutes, but once you get into the habit of doing it, you will never forget that.

Clean your tub, sink, washing machine, and dishwasher as soon as you use them. This will help to protect these items from dirt and soap scum. Therefore, you can easily clean them without taking more time.

Every day, wipe away dust from shelves, tables, and counters with a damp rag. This will only take two minutes, and once it becomes a habit, we will automatically engage in that work every day. Make it a habit to wipe down any work surfaces as soon as you finish them. For example, as soon as you finish dining, remove the dishes from the table and wipe it down.

Take 5 minutes to clean the floors around the doors, the places where people mostly walk are very dirty. Cleaning those places every day will prevent dirt.

Never go to bed leaving a dirt kitchen. Clean all the dishes, disinfect all the surfaces, and sweep up all the garbage on the floor. That will take only 10 minutes, but if you make it a habit, automatically you will do that.

Every night, before going to bed, you go to the washroom to brush your teeth and for a body wash. At this time, you can give your toilet a quick scrub. That is more than enough to keep your toilet bowl fresh.

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It will be much easier to plan a timetable for thoroughly cleaning your rooms. For example, on Monday, clean your bedroom, on Tuesday, clean your visiting room, and on Wednesday, clean your kitchen. This will help you to keep your house clean.

Also, you can mop one room or two per day. That is depending on the size of the house. By doing so, you can do cleaning stress-free.

Finally, you can set a date for larger cleaning projects that only need to be done every few months.

My dear ladies, now you can understand that if you make it a habit to clean every day, it will be an enjoyable activity because then we can do that without stress. Therefore, I urge everyone not to put it off until later. It may take 5 or 10 minutes to finish, but do it on the same day and at that moment.


My lovely ladies, I hope you find my post useful in keeping your home clean. I'd like to invite @sohana1, @sualeha, and @m-fdo to participate in this competition. The contest announcement here.

10% to @steemladies.

Thank you for reading.

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