Contest: The Obstacles I've Experienced So Far In Achieving My Goals

Designed by @talktofaith with canva

Hello beautiful steemit ladies and steemit friends, I hope you are having a good day from wherever you are.

It's another privilege to participate in Steem For Ladies contest of the week. This is one interesting topic I find worth discussing. Funny enough, few days ago I was pondering on this topic alone. In this contest we are to discuss about obstacles we've experienced from achieving our goals. If you missed the contest post, you can have it here.

In my little journey into adulthood, I have come to realize that there is more to being a woman than just being beautiful, getting a career, getting married and giving birth to children. Though I'm not yet married but I have been opportuned to interact with a couple of married ladies and they all have similar experiences.

Being a woman is a whole load of responsibilities, ranging from taking care of yourself, your family, your career or business etc. And you must make sure that all of them work perfectly well. With all these responsibilities, women are a set of human beings that I know can multitask. Though some women don't find it easy, so instead of working on themselves to adjust to their new stage of life, they allow one aspect to suffer. Some prefer to give up on their career and become a full time house wife depending totally on the husband for support, others neglect their family in pursuit of their career and the marriage ended up having issues.

Tell us about 3 obstacles you have as a woman to doing and getting things done.

Like I said before, I am yet to be married so I don't have much obstacles right now. Because whatever I set my heart to do, I'll get it done without any interference. But then I still have some limiting factors.

  • Mismanagement Of time:

Due to a couple of engagements I have right now, time had become one very expensive commodity I've got. So most times, I might not be able to meet up with my goals for the day or a period of time, due to mismanagement of my time and procrastination.

  • Lack Of Mentor:

One of the limiting factors I have always had is been lack of a mentor in some specific field I ventured. This had been one serious challenge I had faced for a while now, coupled with the fact that it's not so easy to randomly get a mentor on any line of career. Though I had been trying for a while now to get one.

  • Lack Of Financial Support/Empowerment:

Most of the things I do require financial support and most times those support had not come, instead the little one available family responsibilities and others are calling for it. It had seriously been a challenge and a limiting factor to so many goals I had set.

What is your desired solution do you want to these constraints that mitigates or even makes it easy?

  • I Designed A Time Table:

One of the decision I took this year is that I must get all my goals accomplished, except the situation is out of my capacity to manage. So I designed a time table and every morning once I sit on my table, I open it and keep it in front of me. So as I'm doing anything, I'm looking at the time table so as to round off and get into the next task.

  • I Finally Got A Mentor:

A mentor is one important person everyone needs in any line of life. A Mentor will help shorten your days and years of trial and error. This is because they've been through that path, so they know what works, if you follow them you wouldn't make their mistakes, rather you leverage on their success. I was able to get a mentor and funny enough that was today. He has reviewed my past works and is ready to offer help.

  • I Decided To Creat Something People Can Pay For:

To help myself and to support my goal financially, I decided to start from where I am by creating something at my current level which people will pay and learn, so as for me to raise funds and finance my main Project, since the help hasn't come from my expected source yet.

If time could be repeated 5 years ago, what would you change and achieve?

@talktofaith 5 years ago

When I look back 5 years down the line and more, I see lots of mistakes I made out of ignorance. Ignorant is really a very deadly disease. But funny enough, that you are ignorant of things doesn't stop others from making progress with it, but some how some day when you remember the days of ignorance all you could say is "had I know".

  • I Would Have Learnt A Digital Skill:

5 years back, I never had any digital skill, due to the environment I was then and the set of persons that surrounded me then. I have come to realize that to any journey one wants to make in career and life generally, your environment matters a lot and the people you surrounds yourself with also matters a lot. So moving down to the city of Lagos Nigeria was a huge advancement for me.

So if time could be taken back, I would have learnt digital marketing skill and by now I should have built my own digital marketing agency. But I am grateful to God for life, as long as there is life "all things are possible with God".

  • I Would Have Attended Lots Of Business Seminars And Conferences:

If time is taken 5 years back, I will attend lots of offline and online business conferences and seminars so as to get more knowledge and at the same time connect and socialize with people going the same direction with me. People of like mindedness. Connections matters a lot. Your click of peers and associates will definitely affect up to 60% your level of productivity in life.


Recently I was asking myself "Faith you are not yet married and time is this expensive, so if you get married how will you cope?". I never knew this topic was gonna come up. I seriously celebrate all women out there, the level of sacrifices and trying to manage the whole responsibilities and at the same time become productive in different fields of endeavor is so alarming. May God continue to bless and strengthen all women out there, including you that is reading this post right now.

I invite @ruthgold, @thomisin and @okere-blessing to come participate in this contest.

Best regards

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