SEC13 WK5: We are not perfect!

Assalam-o-Alikum to All Beautiful Ladies and Warmly Welcomed in the 5th week of SEC13. Good luck to Everyone


The theme of presenting our own views is seems to be very interesting and touch to reality. Yes, We are definitely not perfect and can't live successful and peaceful life without support of our loved ones. An other true is that life is always a learning process in any age. So we can justify the theme of this engagement challenge is that we are not perfect.

Being a lady , wife , daughter and mother, Here's with going to share my own perspective to take about his myth.Let's move on to answer the following the questions to meet the requirements of engagement challenge. Hopefully my participation will also be meaningful and appreciated through your love and appreciation.

What do you want from life?

Living in the practical life, The concept of life in my views is that to live peaceful, healthy, simple and happy life with your family and your loved ones. Before getting married, I just loved for my self. I just used to take care of my self . But after getting married, And becoming mother of two kids , I am living for my kids. My life is all about to look after my kids and give to them my quality time. So , I want to from life to stay always in touch with my kids. I want to see them living prosperity life. They are the actual reason only of my alive.

What are your fears?

Being Mother's, like every mother too , My fear is not to lose my kids or not lose my self too. I have seem many mother's in this world are passed away in very young age and left their too kids in very young age. That's really sad for them . I always prayer to Almighty's Allah that parents shadow should always be retain upon their kids .



I love my parents too, They are the only elders who support me in my happy and tough time. My kids also very attached with them. Death is reality for everyone we can't deny and regret it. Whenever I think about my loved ones lose, I feel fear and my eyes filled with tears. I just pray to Allah for giving to my parent's too prolong healthy life Amin .

What are your strengths?

My believe on Almighty Allah who always with us and the happier and healthier lifestyle of my kids and parents are the strengths of my self . I feel strong, stress free and boosting my energy level whenever I am in their company. They are all the reason of my active and healthy life.



Living in a joint family system and hold responsibilities alone on your shoulders and workout all the time alone it's not an easy task.We feel fatigue and weakness in your body to remain busy all the time. But when we see our kids smiling faces and spend good with them we forget every pain and feel fresh again.

What are your flaws?

I am not a social personality. I don't like the company of those who always sit for long time for ghosspis and waste their precious time. I can't handle the situation in which something going wrong badly. Means I am living in joint family system where in a women face couple of problems.



For the sake of my kids and my peace of mind, I stay back for those whom I can't understand and afford to disturb my family peaceful environment. I can't forget and meet up again with those who cheat me and back bite . I am silent personality and can't expert to express my actual problem. In short working relationships are very difficult for me to carry on. My husband is used to say me that's your fault not to have skills to sustain working relations.

What can you do to become a better versions of yourself?

As I said , I am very silent personality, I just feel comfortable and good in the company of those who are the reason of my strength and alive. I oftentimes consult with a social psychiatrist to how to deal and sustain working relations. But still I am not good. People who are good with me i also good with them and the people who are not behave me well I just step back and goodbye with good wishes.

I tried couple of times to change my lifestyle and trying to become part of social life. But this is really difficult for me to do that in practice. Well the precious time of my life is serving to my kids and family, home and Steemit is really meaningful for me. I just want to perfect in this engagement and want to be successful mother , daughter, wife and user of Steemit as well.

In the end, I would like to invite my Steemit fellows @patjewell @stef1 @eliany @waterjoe for taking part in this engagement challenge and share your valuable feedback. Thanks

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