Choices! What will it be? #38

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Sarah stared anxiously at the clock, watching the minutes tick by as she waited for her husband Danny to return home. He would walk through that door any moment, not knowing that she had worked overtime for weeks to save up for a special surprise - two tickets to see his beloved football team play on New Year's Day.

Sarah pictured Danny's face when she'd give him the gift, hoping it would make him light up with joy after a painful year weighed down by grief and stress. She knew how hard he had been working to support them while also caring for his ailing father. Lately Danny shuffled through each day depleted, his normally vibrant spirit dimmed by the year's sorrows.


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But Sarah clung fiercely to hope that things would get better. Tomorrow started a new year, a new chapter. She wanted to gift Danny something to look forward to again, to bring some light during this dark passage.

When Sarah heard the front door open, her pulse quickened. She fluffed a pillow, trying to brighten Danny's path a little. As expected, he walked in looking weary, his broad shoulders slumped. After giving Sarah a quick kiss, Danny sank onto the couch with an exhausted huff.

"Long day, babe?" Sarah asked gently, handing him a glass of whiskey. As Danny described unreasonable clients trying to wring every last second of work out of him before the holiday, Sarah listened with empathy. She hated seeing the stress lines that now seemed permanently etched on Danny's face. Her once energetic, cheerful husband had been drained dry.

Glancing at the clock, Sarah could hardly contain her excitement. Just a few more minutes until the new year! She gently shook Danny from his exhausted stupor, telling him a small white lie about his dad appreciating the book drop-off. When Danny gave a faint smile, Sarah delighted seeing some of the darkness around his eyes lift temporarily.


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"Oh, one more thing came for you in the mail," Sarah said, her voice bubbly as she grabbed the envelope tucked beside her. When Danny opened it to find the tickets, he froze in disbelief.

"" he whispered in awe, his eyes welling up. As she described working overtime to afford this gift, Danny swept her into a massive bear hug.

"You're the most thoughtful, caring person," he choked out. "This means...everything. I can't believe you did this for me."

Sarah smiled softly, brushing a tear from Danny's cheek. "You deserved a little ray of light," she said. "I know this year brought lots of storms. But now you'll have something amazing to look forward to."

As Danny described his excitement over the seats near the field, Sarah's heart swelled seeing that familiar passionate spark reignite in him. The childlike joy and laughter reminded her of the man she fell in love with - before life's burdens began weighing him down. She promised herself that no matter what sorrows came next, she would help Danny reclaim that light within.

Later as they reminisced by the fireplace with champagne in hand about their early relationship days, Sarah felt immensely grateful for the life they had built together. Even during sorrowful seasons like this year, Danny remained her solid rock. And she hoped she brought him some comfort and joy too when he felt adrift and defeated.

Sarah knew no matter what triumphs or trials lay ahead in 2024, she and Danny would tackle them in solidarity side by side. Their already-profound love and trust now felt brand new depths and dimensions after weathering this painful stormy passage together. They had been battered a bit recently yes, but never broken.

As the clock struck midnight, Sarah raised her glass with eyes locked on her husband's - this man who still made her heart race even after years together. "Here's to leaving behind the heartaches and stresses from before," she proclaimed. "And walking bravely together wherever this new year leads us!"

I trust that you enjoyed reading this story. 😊

I would like to invite @dove11, @paholags, @irawandedy, @ty-ty, @senehasa, @weisser-rabe and @damithudaya to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 31-Dec-2023 | Achievement 1
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