Choices! What will it be? #28


Hello steemians. Hope we’re doing okay. Welcome back to my blog. The week has once again brought new topics our way. For me, I’d like to talk about salt.

I’d like to thank @patjewell for always organising beautiful contest topics for us to always present or write on. Also, I wouldn’t fail to thank @sariana23 for inviting me to take part in this contest. Shall we begin?

There’s this popular story in the Holy Book that has such an amazing story about the salt. This was about a woman who was disobedient to an instruction that was given not to look back, but she failed to adhere to that command.

By now, I’m sure most of us have been able to tell who this lady was, and what led to this story. But for those of us who do not get it, there’s nothing to worry about as I’m here to take you through to the journey of this great story.

There was a man named Lot in the Bible. He had a wife and two daughters. His uncle was Abraham. Abraham is known as the father of faith in the Bible, and he was so dear to God’s heart for trusting in Him.

It had come to a point that there was a little bit of a political strife between Lot and his uncle, Abraham. As a result of this, Lot’s uncle asked that his nephew Lot should choose a path to go on, while he’d go the opposite direction.

They came to an agreement after Lot chose the land that looked fruitful and charming. Abraham on the other hand, went the opposite direction that looked not too fertile. But for the sake of peace and his nephew’s happiness, he had to allow it be.

Now, the path Lot and his family took led to Sodom and Gomorrah. This town was known for their evil acts. They disrespected God and themselves through sin. Although Lot, his wife, and two daughters did not join in the abominable acts, they were going to be indirectly affected as consequence of living in the land.

God had sent angels to warn Lot and his family about the disaster that was coming on the land and its people. For this reason, Lot and his wife were precautioned to leave immediately.

The command was not just to leave, but to go as fast as their legs could carry them “without looking back!”

This was to save Lot’s family from being destroyed with the others. It was a mix of the covenant He made with his family, and also as a result for Lot's kindness toward the angels that visited them in disguise.

As soon as Lot’s family learned about this new plan of God, he wasted no time, but to leave with his family and some basic things that belonged to them.

On their way, Lot’s wife made a terrible mistake in looking back. Immediately she looked back, she turned to a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters had to continue journeying to the nearest city before taking some rest.

This doesn’t mean they were insensitive to the fact that a very important member of the family was gone already.

There has been lots commentaries about why this happened, but the truth remains that it was out of disobedience. Salt is actually good; it brings taste to anything it’s added to.

It’s very important for the body. Salt can also be seen to be a person who is very valuable to an organisation to the extent that, the organisation or group can barely survive without the presence of that individual, idea or resource.

But if it is a bad salt as seen in this story, then it’s not needed. Whether she might’ve looked back because of her friends, or the properties she left behind, it was as a result of her disobedience to God.

This pillar of salt has taught us some good life lessons to abide by:

  • Unlike Lot’s wife, we shouldn’t let what we lost in the past affect what’s in the future.
  • The end of one door can open a door to many other opportunities and achievements.
  • We shouldn’t dwell in the past.
  • Disobedience is a great sin, and can birth so many dangerous consequences.

I want to be the salt in my family, among my friends, and wherever I find myself, because I always want to bring something different and good to the table.

A good salt I want to be, and that can be achieved with strict adherence to instructions. What kind of taste do you want to give as a salt that you are?

Would like to invite @hudamalik20 @sur-riti and @bela90 to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading through.

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