Choices! What will it be? #30

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

🦚Hope everyone is doing well by God's infinite grace. 🦚

🌞 I'm from Bangladesh & my Steemit ID is @zisha-hafiz 🌞.

I am really excited & thankful to the team of Steem For Ladies for organising such an amazing competition. Among the four topics, I have chosen Honey; the reason I chose it is that in our regular life, we often use this natural food.

Honey is a sweet, thick liquid which we get naturally. The bees 🐝 collected it from the nectar of flowers. It is a natural boon to humankind. It contains various nutrients. Our human race has used honey since about 5500 years ago. Honey plays a great role in curing many diseases in the human body. I also love honey. Once a week, I take this with warm water. It really helps me to glow my skin and improve my digestion system. Honey gives a lot of benefits to our human body, some of which are mentioned in my article.

🍯 Full of antioxidants 🍯

Antioxidants present in this natural food, honey, are needed to protect our body cells from various damage. It also helps a lot with ageing, cancer, heart disease and anxiety.

🍯 Assistance with stomach issues🍯


Honey is very beneficial for our digestion. It makes the good bacteria living in the gut much stronger, which improves our digestion along with other health benefits. It sometimes helps to cure diseases like diarrhoea.

🍯 Relieve cough and sore throat🍯

Honey helps prevent cough and chronic sore throat. Many of us can have hot tea on cold days with honey instead of sugar, which helps us prevent viruses. It also helps to improve respiratory infections in our bodies.

🍯 Advantages for the brain🍯

In our brain, memories are stored in the hippocampus area, and honey helps us to activate this area. It enhances blood flow and the cholinergic system. Additionally, it helps to reduce anti-stress, anti-nociceptive, neuroprotective and memory-boosting properties in our brain.

🍯 Preserve process🍯


We can store honey very easily. It should be kept away from light and extreme temperatures. After some time, it will start to crystallise, and it will look grainy and shiny. I can heat it slightly to melt the crystals. But care must be taken not to heat it to a high level as it destroys its nutritional value. After storing honey for a long time, if its colour has changed or the smell comes out, then it should be thrown away.

🍯 Useful for diabetes patients🍯

Honey works to increase blood sugar in our body. Antioxidants in it can protect us from type 2 diabetes. It can be consumed in comparison to diabetes patients who should not consume sugar at all.

🍯 For skincare 🍯

Honey is very beneficial for our skin. It helps to kill the bacteria in our skin. It deeply moisturises and hydrates our skin. It helps to remove the signs of ageing on our skin. We all have sunburns on our skin, so using honey can reduce it to a great extent.

🍯 We should be aware of getting original honey🍯

These days, there are various companies selling honey in the market, but we have to be aware to buy it. Many unscrupulous traders are selling rice syrup, corn syrup and cane sugar as honey.

🍯 Using the process of honey🍯

Using the process of honey
Honey can be mixed with our daily tea and coffee. We can use it on fresh fruits, breads and puddings. Also, I can give it in dry fruits, oats, custard & cakes. For making any dessert item, we can use honey in replace of sugar.


Finally, It can be said that honey is a natural food that has many qualities that provide many benefits to our health. Of course, we have to be a little aware of taking it in moderation. Those who are going through a diet must use honey in their food chart.

I would like to invite you two for participating in this competition


🧡Thank you for reading my article so patiently🧡


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