Steem for better health program #2: Care of the Eye

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Welcome to steem for better health program this week health talk. I believe you all are taking care of your health .

This week health program is for all steemians, do you know why I said so? it is because we steemians spend much time on our devices and the lights reflection from the screen of a devices to our eyes is not very healthy to our eyes but how then can we protect our eyes from damage let's find out?

Preview of the topic

Eye in general is a broad topic but in this hotel we are not going to different angles of eyes we are going to be particular in this aspects of how to protect our eyes from the screens of our devices the damage is it causes and the meat for us to be cautious anytime we are using any devices for a long time because it affects our eyes really much

  • So first of all let's know how the blue light streaming affect the eye then
  • Secondly we also see how to protect the eye
  • Finally the benefits of regular eye check.

What is blue light?

Blue light is one of the colors that is made up the white light (sunlight) of the sun. It energy is higher than all the colors of the sunlight but has a shorter wavelengnth . They are emitted from the LED used in light bulbs, computer and laptop.

How it affect the eye?

Please note that blue lights effects the eyes both positively and negatively so we are going to consider the two effects.


  • Alertness
  • Memory and brain function
  • It elevator moods

Think about when you are outside and the sunlight helps elevates your mood



Although the blue light from Electrical devices is actually small compared to that amount from the sunlight, the eye is not very good at blocking blue light and when the blue light passes through to the retina (a cell that con dey light to the brain to process into images) blue light passes through the cornea, back of the eye.

So when this light reflections are no longer protected, the retina will be damanges which may leafs to damanges such as macular degeneration, growth in the eye, eye dancers, cataract etc.

How to protect the eye from blue light

Avoid regularly exposure to the blue light from electronic devices, that means you need to give yourself break. Use the 20-20-20 rules which is every 20 minutes, look away from your screen and focus on an object 20 feet away from you and you are to do this for at least 20 seconds.

  • Wear blue light glasses

  • Adjust the screen light of your device.

  • Restrict yourself from using of blue-light emitting electronic devices at night at least 2 hours before bedtime.

  • Look at your phone from a distance position.

  • Eat good diet.

Benefits of regular eye check


  • It will help you to detect early eye damage and vision will be corrected to improve the quality of day-to-day life.
  • It will help you know the health condition of you eyes and as such you need to go do eye check so as to keep your eye healthy.
  • Meet your doctor for a recommedation of eye glasses to use to maintain healthy eyes.

Practical ways to care for the eye
  • Eat enough fruits to have the necessary vitamins your body needs.

  • Drink a enough water.

  • Drink zobo juice which contains vitamin A

Therefore we all should try as much as possible to take care for our eyes to maintain a healthy eye. Try to go for a regular eye check, protect your retina from damage, thank you so much for going through my post today, thank you for following a lovely health talk see you next week.

Meanwhile I'm open for any question at the comment section and also feel free to go through my previous health post here

Read the preview health program introduction, #1



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