[Club75] Here are 10 micro-habits that will change the way you live for the better

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It is my practice to take baby steps whenever I am starting a new endeavor, such as a new job, a new relationship, or a new habit.

It is unlikely that you emerged from the womb of your mother knowing how to walk, let alone run, did you? It took you months of lying there before you were able to roll over, crawl, and then climb to your feet, and everyone cheered when you made your first step.

In the end, you mastered the art of walking. Now that you are no longer plagued with goose eggs on your head and bruises on your knees, you may not realize how much easier your life has become since you have mastered the art of walking.

The development of these life-changing micro-habits can also be accomplished slowly and steadily over time. Starting now, starting small, and most importantly just starting is the key to making a habit stick.

As a result, I have put together a list of ten of my tried-and-true micro-habits that can help you feel more organized and in control of stressful situations in an environment that can be wildly unpredictable.

1. Take time out to think about the question: “What would be the nicest thing to do?”

Having a nice attitude is not about receiving recognition; instead, it is a reminder to take care of yourself and others, especially when most people are not watching. By doing so, your brain will become conditioned to think considerately, regardless of the size of the action.

In any case, you should always keep in mind that "nice things" are not really nice if they abuse you, your time, or your generosity. It is important that you are aware of your limitations.

2. The one-minute rule should be enforced at all times.

“It’s easy: If a task takes less than a minute to complete, encourage yourself to do it on the spot. Recycle the junk mail, hang up your coat, respond to that text, close the silverware drawer, screw the lid on the peanut butter.” - The Happiness Project, Gretchen RubinSource

There are many mundane tasks that can easily be accomplished in a few seconds, but if they are combined, they can quickly become overwhelming.

Do it now
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In the morning, I will take care of it, again you say that you will do it in the afternoon, but then you say you will do it the next day, and then, “So what if I have to wait one more day?” There is no point in thinking about it. Now is the time to act.

3. It would be great if you could add one more.

Your dinner plate should include one additional vegetable. Increase the amount of water you consume each day by one glass. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn one more Arabic phrase. If you have already incorporated a few of those one mores into your routine, you might consider adding a few more.

4. The amount of money you have at your disposal should be known to you.

Knowledge can be extremely powerful, even if the knowledge reminds you how terrible your credit card debt is. Being financially secure and confident begins with knowing how much money you have in your account. You should make a habit of regularly checking your accounts, whatever that means to you.

The more you know about your financial situation, the better you will be able to make informed decisions when faced with temptation to overspend.

5. Please write it down so that you can refer to it later.

I wonder if you are going to remember the funny statement your toddler made just before dinnertime this morning, much less two or three decades from now, even if it is a funny statement.

As a matter of fact, it is quite a bit of a mystery to me: why do we believe that our brains, which have put up with a lot lately, will be able to recall precisely what ingredients we need to buy at the grocery store in order to make Gordon Ramsay's recipe correctly?

Write Down
Source: Pexels

In the moment that the little flag in your head-the one that says "I have to remember that"-begins to wave, write it down immediately. Quotes, gift ideas for those who are hard to buy for, suggestions for restaurants to visit on your next date, or anything else that might catch your attention.

To keep a list of everything you need, use the Notes app on your smartphone or good old fashioned pen and paper.

6. Maintain a calendar that is organized

The more regularly you organize your online calendar, the more likely you will be aware of important upcoming events, such as bills, birthdays, and events, weeks and months in advance, which will enable you to plan accordingly.

7. Make sure you bring one thing with you.

I have found that if I did not take a glass with me when I went to the kitchen, my bedside table would become cluttered with water glasses, tea mugs, and kombucha bottles when I returned.

Take a moment to consider what you can bring with you when you have a free hand. No matter what part of your life becomes cluttered, whether it is a particular room, your office, or your automobile, this approach can make a significant difference.

8. Put your future self at the top of your priority list.

This might sound a bit boring to you, doesn't it? In the end, you won't get bored when you can retire early and spend the whole day lounging on the Indian beaches because you've made a lifetime's worth of choices to get you to this point.

Conversely, a lifetime of living in the moment can be self-destructive and set you back in all areas of your life in terms of your health: physical, mental, emotional, and financial in the long run.

9. The more rejections you get, the better.

The one lesson that I have repeatedly learned in life is that in order to achieve what we want in life, we must be willing to ask for it. You don't always get what you want, sometimes you do. The only thing you need to do is ask.

In order to achieve anything you want, whether it is career-related or relationship-related, subject yourself to repetition of being told "no" over and over again in micro doses, so you can become used to hearing it. It will make it all the more satisfying when you do get the occasional "yes".

10. Don't let frustration get in the way of practicing patience in stressful situations.

All of us have been there, in a coffee shop or at the bank, behind a person who seems to be moving at a snail's pace. I tell myself, "What a perfect time to practice patience!" when there is nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nothing to worry about.

Source: Pexels

Use the phrase when you are facing an unpleasant situation, such as when your boss yells at you or when your friends break your phone accidentally. Taking a few deep breaths will help you to relax. Take time to observe the environment. Be aware of the bigger picture. Do not lose patience, and yes, practice it often at times.

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