I was asking this girl out for a date and she kept on turning me down, I like her, she is an athlete, she was on my school athletic team

I wanted us to have an eat out in one of the outlets in school but she wasn't bent on that, she had this thing for eating out, she said when she visited a restaurant or something that she can't seem to compose herself, well for me I had to respect that

after much pressure from my end for a date she agreed to host me at her place, which she did, and then I had a very terrible experience

I didn't want to sound proud or rude I kinda don't eat everything, I am very selective when it comes to what I eat

on the said date she made spaghetti with carrots and fish but I dont eat spaghetti but I just summoned the courage to eat it and play along

long the line I was pressed and I told her I needed to use the restroom, while I was done emptying my stomach then the big problem started, please dont laugh

I couldn't tell if it was the flusher that was faulty or my poop was unnecessarily light, I flushed and it didn't go down, I waited for the water to regroup and flushed again but it still didn't go down

at this time I was sweating profoundly because I didn't know what to do, no bucket to fetch from the tap in the restroom, that was how I kept on flushing and waiting for hours and it still wasn't going

I felt embarrassed but I had to swallow my pride and text her on WhatsApp that this problem was too much on me, she came to my rescue with a bucket, and then she apologized that the toilet had been like that since she moved in, that she always had to use the bucket to flush every time..

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that was how I spent the date, in the toilet.

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