The most embarrassing date, i have ever had (Episode 1)

This is the first Steem Nigeria contest in a long while and i thank the organizers.


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Her eyes shined like a polished pearl just washing on a shore of black sand with the warm rays of the sun shining down on it. Orifices of bright cherry red went well with the fitted black dress she was putting on. The light hit her just so you could see every luscious curve of her body. She smelled like the breeze coming into the coastline. Just try to imagine the perfect most gorgeous woman you have ever seen in your life and times that by tenfold.

My childhood friend I will call her. The journey began when I was still in primary 5, moreover she lived seven houses away from my father’s, though we didn’t know anything then. After primary school we lost contact, she had relocated.

Exactly six (6) years later, my sisters broke the news of her location: she was the chapel prefect of the school my sisters attended. It wasn’t long we connected again, what a glorious reunion. Only the rich could get a phone at that time but that didn’t limit us, we contacted through letters. I contracted a student who transports my letter since she was in the boarding house.

My Letters are no more
We had written series of letters and during holidays she would come back home, though busy with my family business, we still spent time together. In her final year in the secondary school, she invited over to her father’s house. I tried more than 3 times trying to locate the house but to no avail.

Finally, I was able to locate her, very excited to see her, but the excitement disappeared when I entered the compound. Guess who I saw first: her Dad and step mum. The way they look at me, I knew all wasn’t well, it was as if the earth should open up and swallow me but I summed up courage like a man that I am, got to the sitting, gave her a hug and in less than 60 seconds I was already on my way out.

She called later that evening, telling me that her dad and step mum accused her of sleeping around, all my letters we had written for the past 2 years were burnt.

It did not end there anyway, we continue on the next article.

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