Contest - How Frugal are Our Steemians?

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Assalamu Alaikum, I hope you are well? Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Thrift is one of the great virtues of a man which reaps its fruits in the long run. Today I'm going to participate in a contest called How frugal are our Steemians? This is an awesome theme hosted by @shiftitamanna, a respected mod from the Steam for Bangladesh community. Thank you for such arrangement.


Are you frugal in spending?


I was not thrifty before but now I am thrifty. Earlier, I used to take money from my father on various pretexts, but I still don't have it, but I am trying to earn a little myself and saving some. I don't spend more than I have to now. I used to eat out most of the time because mess cooking was bad, now I eat this food even though it's bad, it's healthier than hotels and saves money for me. I don't spend more than necessary and refrain from buying expensive things. Yes I am frugal.


How much frugality do we need in our lives?


Frugality means not wasting anything beyond what is necessary. We need frugality in our lives as much as buying fills my needs and on the other hand I don't want to be stingy and buy less. Again, our frugality can be defined so that I spend according to my income savings goals. Frugality makes us save and this savings will lead us to our future goals.


Tell me 3 tips on how to be frugal?

Inflation is going on in our country. As a result of this our expenses are increasing compared to our income so we have no option but to adjust our expenses with our income. How to adjust:

  • First you need to calculate and estimate the budget for the month. You should stop buying unnecessary things. Buy some things less than before and your month will pass.
  • Give up luxury goods. For example, if you drink coffee, come down to tea. Avoid going to restaurants 2/3 days a week. Unhealthy food outside like jhalmuri, matha, yummy fritters etc.

  • Buy goods by bargain: When buying groceries or anything else, buy according to the budget and bargain it will save some money.

Also, many more things should be considered, don't throw away clothes if they are a little old, don't change home furniture frequently, don't use short-distance road transport, both money and health are good.


What about the advantages and disadvantages of frugality?


Each thing has advantages and disadvantages.


  • Savings of thrifty people increase more. He can reach his goal quickly.
  • A thrifty man is called wise because he thinks of the future and "Forethought is the work of the wise."
  • A frugal person avoids outside food and is industrious thereby avoiding diseases.
  • As thrift is skillful.


  • The first and foremost disadvantage of a frugal person is that he is given the tag of miserliness.
  • Frugal people cannot live in luxury.
  • Old clothes and furniture are used for a long time.
  • One does not become a very favorite person with the family.
  • Travels very little.

I would urge people to be frugal, no matter how hard it is for frugal people. Because our future is uncertain we don't know what awaits us. So it is better to be frugal and save.

I invite you @mahadisalim @shahid76 @crowd1 to participate in this contest.


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well

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