📢 Contest - Save Youth from Drug Addiction.

I am @abdul-rakib
From #Bangladesh

Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all, I hope you are well, I am also alhamdulillah. Today I am going to participate in the contest organized by @ripon0630 sir titled "Save youth from drug addiction" which is a very well known and hot topic these days. It needs to be talked about and awareness raised. So I will try to answer the questions mentioned in the competition in my own way. Let's get started…

What do you think is the main reason for youth to become addicted to drugs?


Today its drugs have taken a terrible shape in our society which is harmful to our society. The reasons for youth addiction to drugs may be, lack of moral education, not knowing about the harm of drugs, lack of family discipline, easy availability of drugs, many addicts take drugs from their friends, many also get addicted to drugs for romantic reasons. Drug abuse is on the rise due to lack of law enforcement. There are many youths who get addicted to drugs while keeping up with the times.

What is the amount of drug addiction in your society? Do you think it is important to prevent drug addiction among young people?


It is not possible to say exactly the amount of drug addiction in my area, but it is not less, it will be more. These youngsters are supposed to grow up and lead the country one day, but they are now addicted to drugs.

I definitely want drug addiction to be eradicated. I want all drug addicted youth to come back. Good luck to our youth society. May their future be beautiful.

How can you encourage them to make healthy choices and what steps do you think will work to save them?


Drugs are becoming a threat to our society or country day by day. Drugs are consuming our youth.
To turn the youth away from drugs we must:
Enforcement of law: Administration should ensure maximum enforcement of law against drugs.
Drug sale is prohibited: The source of drug sale must be known and eradicated.
Increasing social activities: To increase the interest of youth in social activities, recreational activities should be conducted.
Expansion of Education: Most of the young people with little education are addicted to drugs so education should be expanded.
Recent Family Growth: Parents in every family need to increase their connection with the child by watching who the child interacts with.
Drug abuse: Drugs cause addiction. So once you get used to it, it is very difficult to get rid of it. So its benefits should be spread.
Religious and Moral Education: Drug addiction can be prevented by increasing religious and moral education or by informing about the negative aspects of drugs.


Drug addiction is a major problem everywhere in the world today. It has engulfed today's youth society and led many astray. So it is necessary to ensure its remedy as soon as possible otherwise our society will have to pay the highest price.


I am my friends @mahadisalim @jollymonoara @aatik Who would like to invite to participate in this contest?
Click here to participate in the contest

Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
Wishing you well

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