Contest - Save Youth from Drug Addiction.

Assalam O Alaikum

Hello Steemians! Well come to my post. I hope that you will be doing well. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this amazing contest which is organized by Sir @ripon0630 in the Steem For Bangladesh community. The topic of this contest is "Save Youth from Drug Addiction." So let's start without any more delay of time.



What do you think are the main reason for youth to become addicted to the Drugs?



Actually a substance which alter the mental state of human brain is called a drug. And when we use that kind a drug with routine we become addicted to that Drug. The Drug addiction is very hazardous for the health of humans and now it has become the world wide problem. We can see around us there are many people who are addicted to drugs especially the young people. According to Me the following may be the reason for youth to become addicted to the drugs.

  • Unfilled Desires: When someone build some desires in his mind and want to achieve them but When his desires are not fulfilled and remain unfulfilled he suffers a lot of mental pain and suffering the in order to get rid of that suffering he starts using drugs and becomes addicted to them.

  • Easy Availability of Drugs: It is also a major reason for youth to become drug addicted. When the sale and purchase of drugs is becoming commonplace young people buy it to check it and then fall victim to it.

  • Bad Company of friends: Actually a person is recognized by the company of his friends. Often, the kind of friends one has that person also becomes like them. If a person sits with his friends who are addicted to drugs he will also fall into a dangerous habit of drugs addiction.

What is the extent of drug addiction in your society? Do you think it's important to prevent Drug addiction among Youth?

To be honest I'm living in a very beautiful and in the village of educated people. There are very few people in my village who are addicted to drugs but they are all aged people and they are using the drugs since a very long time. Mostly people are only smokers and cigarettes lovers. The Youth people of my village don't addicted to drugs and may be they never do such kind a bad things. This is because they are all well aware of the bad impacts of drugs addiction on their lives. Mostly people are only smokers and cigarettes lovers.



However the young people of my village are not addicted to drugs but it is very much important to prevent the youth of whole world from the drug addiction. This is because the Drug addiction is very hazardous thing and it can ruin the lives of drugs addicts and the lives of their families. This is because the young people are the wealthiest assets for their parents and their parents invest their time, money and efforts on them to make them a good person for society and for country. So if their children become Drug addicts So when the parents come to know about this what a painful phase it will be for them.? We can't imagine their pain and suffering.

How can you encourage them to make healthy choices and what step do you think would be effective to save them?



Actually this is the difficult and interesting question of that contest. In order to encourage the drug addicts to quit the this bad habit I will spend my time with them and tell you about the bad effects of drugs addiction on their health. I will also try to teach them some saying in Islam about drugs addiction and tell about the expectations of their parents on them. Besides this the following steps may be effective to save the Drug addicts.

  • To get rid of drugs addiction we should admit the Drug addicts to the rehabilitation center where they should be treated completely under the supervision of expert doctors.

  • We should also take them away from the drugs and from the company of drugs addicts.

  • We should Give our attention to the drugs addicts and spend our time with them so they may stay away from the drugs.

  • The Police should arrest the suppliers of drugs and take a strict action against them so they may stop the selling of drugs.


So friends that was my entry about that topic and I hope that you will like it. Now I want to invite my friends @sahmie, @radleking and @isha46 to take a part in this amazing contest


Written by @abdullahw2

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