My Entry:"Tell us about your target on Steemit platform"

Assalam O Alaikum

Hello Steemians! How are you all? I'm also fine by the grace of Almighty Allah. Today I'm here to participate in an amazing contest. This is my first post in this community. This contest is organized by @solaymann. The contest is about "Tell us about your target on Steemit platform". So let's start the task without any more delay of time.


How far is your target on Steemit platform?

Life is all about targets. Everyone has different targets regarding different things in their lives. The targets of everyone aren't same. So I also have a target in my mind which I set a few days ago regarding Steemit. My target on Steemit is to get more Sp and create quality contents. As we all know that quality contents are very important on Steemit. I also want to collect more rewards by creating quality contents on Steemit.


As you can see in my wallet I don't have enough steem power and my reputation isn't very good. It is nearly 58. This is because I at once I stopped working on Steemit for many months. Now I started writing contents again. So I set some targets also. I also set a target of earn about 800 steem in the next 2 months. So I would try my best to achieve it.

Do you think it will be easy or difficult to meet your target on Steemit platform?



In my point of view setting Targets is easy but achieving your target isn't very easy. But when you work hard and work with devotion then no one can stop you from achieving your target. But when it comes about Steemit there it depends on you and your contests. If the quality of your content will be excellent then it will be good for your target.

There are many things which you should keep in your mind while writing on Steemit. The person who know how to deal with difficulties he succeed. So when you work according to the rules and regulations of Steemit then there will be no any difficulty for you.

What steps will you take to meet your target?


When we want to achieve any goal in our life it is very important that we should know each and every thing about it. We should plan properly and work step by step to achieve our goal. It will be very helpful to in achieving our targets. The steps which is take in meeting my target are discussed below;

• Now a days I'm spending most of time on Steemit in watching others Posts. As it helps in getting some awareness about different contents.

• I'm also trying to apply proper tags and markdowns in my posts. As it beautifies the post.

• Now I'm participating in the weekly contests in different communities. Because it provides an opportunity to earn more steem power.

• Mostly I write posts through by own knowledge I try to avoid any kind of plagiarism because the plagiarized content is not valid for rewards.

Does the club or power up project make any contribution to meeting your target?

Yes in this regard the power up or having a club is very important. Because without any club you are not valid for any kind of reward. In the maintenance of your club the power up is compulsory. We can say that without club or power up our meeting with our target is impossible.


So that was my plan for achieving my target. I hope that you will like it. Now I want to invite my friends @chant , @azhar-nazeer , @jyoti-thelight. To participate in this amazing contest.

Thanks All



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