Better life with steem // The diary game on 1st January' 2023.

Fellow Warriors of Steemit,

Assalamu Alaikum.

How are you all I hope everyone is well. Alhamdulillah, I am also well with your prayers and God's infinite mercy. I am back among you after a long time. Although this is my first post in this community, but I have been working on this platform for a long time, due to personal reasons I have not been able to work for a long time. So I came back to you. I hope you will welcome me.


I am here with you today with my last day's diary. In fact, every day we are struggling in the battle of life, and this struggle must be done by each of us, otherwise we will not be able to win this battle. As the saying goes, life means war. It is a fact that the more one fights and struggles, the more successful he will be in his life. And keeping this reality in front, I will try to present a detailed description of one day of my life struggle today, I hope you will like it.


First let me say that my family is part of my life struggle. In the family there are parents, brothers, sisters, wives, children, relatives. I have a small pharmacy, so you can say that my life is about family and this pharmacy. I have two daughters and one son. I am a pharmacist. I am 40 years old, I have experienced many things in these 40 years. A lot of laughter, a lot of joy, a lot of tears, a lot of sadness, pain, all in all, you can say that there are a lot of memories in this 40 years of life. I am extremely thankful to Allah that Allah has blessed me with good life for 40 years. I pray to Allah to grant more good life. You will also pray for me.


First of all, I try to start the day by getting up early in the morning and offering Fajr prayer and thanking Allah. I prayed the same way on the first day and then slept for some time. Since I have to go to the pharmacy. I had to open the shop at 9:30 every morning, so I woke up at 9am and washed my hands and had breakfast. Although we always eat roti or parota or sometimes khichuri and sometimes we eat hot rice, so we try to have different breakfast every day. I had this day's hot rice for breakfast. After 9:30 o'clock I left for the store and came to the store.



Meanwhile, the boy has been insisting for a long time to buy him a cricket bat and tennis ball, so in the afternoon, on the way from the shop, I bought a bat and ball for him from the market. Then I went home for lunch. When I went home and gave this bat ball to my son, he was so happy. You can understand that in the picture. After taking a bath and offering Zohar prayer, we had lunch with everyone. Although the elder daughter cannot eat with us because she has college. After resting for a while, I came back to the shop.


Actually my whole day is spent in the shop most of the time as the shop is not very far from home so the afternoon snack is brought from home by my younger brother, that afternoon my wife made a banani with raw radish and greens and sent it to me, a picture of I gave it to show you. After finishing the Maghrib prayer, there is a place to rest in the shop. My younger brother was sitting in the shop. I took some rest and then sent my younger brother home after breakfast.

In this way, after closing the shop at night, I have to go back home, wash my hands and eat dinner alone. As everyone sleeps at that time, only my wife stays awake, she prepares everything for me and sleeps. Then I spend a lot of time eating and working on Steemit if that's possible, and the rest of the time I'm in the shop doing things. Thus I completed my day. I hope you will enjoy reading my diary. Thank you so much for spending your valuable time reading my diary.

Thank you
From Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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