Ego is the root of the fall

People may fail or fall to the bottom of their misery for various reasons. But among all reasons maybe ego plays a vital role. Why is that the case can be known when we try to find answers to the following questions:

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Who do you think is arrogant? Highlight the characteristics of egoists .

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👉Egotists are defined by an exaggerated sense of their own superiority and capacity. Egocentric individuals prioritize their own needs over those of others, often leading to callousness. Egotism is the act of putting one's needs and wants above those of others. It also means to believe one's thoughts, feelings and judgments are more important than they are. Those who prioritize their own self-worth seek out opportunities to be noticed. They actively search for ways to receive it. Egotists tend to be quick on their feet but emotionally distant as they focus on their own thoughts and feelings. Arrogance or Condescending Behaviour: Egotists often display arrogant or condescending attitudes toward others in their interactions. Egocentric individuals typically struggle with accepting when they are mistaken or incorrect, which may lead to a decrease in self-esteem. Egoistic and boastful individuals may find it challenging to form meaningful connections with others and may experience social isolation as a result.

Do you think if we are perfect at something we should brag about it?

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👉 No, bragging about one's accomplishments isn't necessary. It is inappropriate for someone to claim superiority over another. While it's normal to take pride in one's accomplishments, doing so in a boastful manner might come off as arrogant and insensitive. In order to earn others' respect and admiration, share your success in a humble yet polite manner; remembering that humility and modesty can often be more desirable attributes than bragging.

Have you found anyone on this steemit platform to be arrogant? If so, why do you think so?


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👉No, I didn't find anyone on the Steemit platform arrogant. Steemit is a well-behaved community where everyone shares their thoughts and well-being. Good character produces good thoughts. Therefore, I never found any of the Steemian to be arrogant.

Properly analyze the root of the fall of ego.

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👉The fall of ego is generally rooted in the realization that our self-importance and attachments to our personal beliefs and needs are less important than we thought. Our sense of identity, competence, and value can all be tested through encounters with weakness, modesty, and setback.. This can be due to a greater awareness of the interdependence of others and recognizing our weaknesses and limitations. The ultimate goal is to lose the ego and become more aware of yourself and others.

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--- @aparajitoalamin

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