📢 Contest - Save Youth from Drug Addiction.

Hello Steem For Bangladesh Community

Hello My Steemain Friends ,

How are you. I hope you people of steemian are good and enjoy your life . Well I am well. May God bless you all. Today I am writing about an interesting which is all time my favourite topic "Save Youth from Drug Addiction." So, in this post I am going to share my point of view about this topic.

Thankyou one of my favourite Community Steem For Bangladesh and @ripon0630 for organised this beautiful contest. I hope you people like and enjoy my post.

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Drug addiction is a matter of great concern in itself. The youth who consumes these medicines not only ruins his life, but also ruins the life of his whole family along with him.

What do you think are the main reasons for youth to become addicted to drugs?

Whatever may be the reason for the youth to get addicted to drugs. That reason cannot be justified from any point of view. That reason is wrong for me today and will be wrong tomorrow also. The person who could not belong to his own family, what will happen to someone else. I hate such youths who ruin the struggles of their parents and kill them while they are alive.

The main reasons for youth becoming addicted to drugs are as follows

Wrong association
In the wake of modernity
For showoff
Lying to parents
Parents not taking drastic steps

Nowadays youth are falling prey to wrong drugs by falling in friendship. The youth consider themselves to be in a group and consider themselves to be very cool. But in reality, going ahead, they become flowers in the future. Because this kind of friendship never works.
i remember my mom never liked friendship
Similarly, I also do not like this kind of friendship. I am not against friendship but friendship should have a scope, there should be a standard. There should be friendship with such people who think well of you, are family members.

What is the extent of drug addiction in your society? Do you think it's important to prevent drug addiction among youth?

Nowadays it is very difficult to assess drug addiction among youth. Because so many drugs are coming and more than that, refreshers are coming to remove their bad smell that if a young person becomes addicted, sometimes you cannot guess that he is intoxicated.

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Usually people take this type of intoxication like cigarette, alcohol, spices. But when this scope increases and the problem becomes too serious, it means that he has moved on to some other scary addiction. Like opium, ganja etc. To fulfill his intoxication, he does not even hesitate to steal from his own house.


It is absolutely necessary to stop the consumption of drugs because many houses are getting ruined due to this, children are becoming orphans, and the domestic problems increase. And the biggest thing is that in order to fulfill the addiction, all the money of the house goes into intoxication and the economic condition of the house becomes very weak. Children yearn for food, yearn for studies because the breadwinner of the house is intoxicated.

How can you encourage them to make healthy choices and what steps do you think would be effective to save them?

I will try my best to encourage him to make healthy choices to quit this dirty addiction and lead a simple life and be happy with his family.


But I would definitely like to say one thing that those who get addicted to this, it is not difficult but impossible to leave this addiction. But efforts should definitely be made, there should not be any feeling in the mind that we did not try.

According to me, in order to save them, we have to counsel them to get rid of this drug addiction and they have to explain again and again that their house is being ruined because of them. And they will not have to pay money and will have to keep a strict vigil on them.


After that it is very necessary to take the help of medical advice and medicines. He has to be told about his merits, what he could have done and what he is doing.

The most effective step would be to put a band on these intoxicating substances by the government, so that people cannot buy and sell them even if they want to.


I would like to invite my few friends @visionaer3003 , , @svm038 , @paholags , @wilmer1988 , @gunthertopp.



Thankyou ❤️


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