SEC-S10W5: My story of losing a precious thing


Have You Ever lost something that was very important to you?( If you have a picture of that item share with us).

Yes, I've lost my precious motorcycle. Approximately eighteen months ago, I possessed a cherished Honda 125 motorbike, which held great significance to me. Its financial value amounted. I vividly recall the incident occurring on a Sunday afternoon when I rode my motorcycle to the market with the intention of purchasing something. I situated my bike outside a shop and engaged in shopping for a duration of two to three hours. Upon my return I was disheartened to find that my motorcycle was no longer in its place.

It was taken. I conducted expansive investigations on this matter and also consulted with the sellers. I scoured the area for hours but found no information regarding its whereabouts. Eventually, in the evening, I returned with a burdened soul and immense concern.( Regrettably, I lack any photographs of the motorcycle as I lately switched my mobile phone, resulting in the omission of all data and pictures.)


What emotions did you experience upon losing the item?

To be foursquare, during that period, I struggled to articulate my feelings adequately because I felt extremely let down by the loss of my motorcycle. This was primarily due to the fact that I relied on it daily and fulfilled multitudinous tasks using my bike. Commuting to college and handling colorful responsibilities were just a many examples. It's a universal truth that when we lose something or someone, the longing lingers for quite some time.


This cycle of emotions persisted for an extended duration in my life. My parents comforted me by assuring that it was not my fault and promised to purchase a new bike for me. Several months later my father fulfilled his promise and bought me a brand new bike. Consequently I was finally suitable to move past the grief and distress caused by the loss of my former bike.

Did you do anything to find it? What was the results?

Yes I made every effort to locate it. When my bike went missing I reported the incident original police station. I also inquired about my bike at near shops and approached people who were walking in the area. Additionally, I extensively searched for my lost bike throughout the entire city. Unfortunately, despite all my attempts, I was unfit to retrieve my lost bike.

What Steps do you follow to avoid losing such precious item in the future?

Certainly, I'm extremely conservative about my belongings ever since the episode of misplacing my motorcycle. Presently, I handle all my possessions with utmost care, particularly precious items like my bike. Whenever I park my bike, I make sure to employ both a wire lock and a handle lock. Typically, I park my bike in the presence of a dependable individual from the market who can keep an eye on it.

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