Contest: How important is friendship in Human lives?..

Hello everyone, I am so glad to participate in this very contest which is about how friendship Is important in human lives. I want to use this medium to appreciate the organiser and the community for bringing up this contest.

Friendship is state or condition of being friends with someone outside your immediate family but it's still possible to take our family members as close friends. In all I will love to explain more on how friendship matters in human lives by using the contest tips.


How important is friendship in your life

Friendship is an important condition to happen to me in life, at some point in life we need friends to act as listening ears, teachers, guidance and lovers. I so much cherish making alot of friends because most of them add positive vibes in my life, pushing me far with encouraging words and showing support of love and care.
So friendship is so important in my life because I can't go far without thier company and love.

Why do we need friends in life

Just as we normally quote "if you want to go far in life , walk with people. It shows that friends are souls that supports and look after a weak soul. At some point in life we all need a lifting hand, one that will support and help raise you from slumber..
Most of my friends have been help to me right from my secondary level to my tertiary level helping solve most of my financial problems. So we all need friends because they show forth at some point in life.


What qualities should a true friend have

There are so many qualities a true friend should possess before he or she is called one. Showing care and support during tough and hard times, being present to fight out your fellow friend out if danger, being the very best option for him or her.
A friend should be one we could find our peace, love and happiness and more. In all a Godly friend is the best one can ever have.

Who are they true friends in your life? Tell us about it


I have about 4 friends and they have shown me much love one could desire from another. I try all possible means to be a good friend too, advising and showing them much love.

Thanks for going through my post 😍❤️


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