📢 Contest Steem For Bangladesh 📢📢 : "Out of Sight,Out of mind"

First, of all, I thank @nainaztengra for inviting me here and then being a marketing professional, I will give you an example that explains, "Out of sight, out of mind."

"Out of Sight, Out of mind"

My company’s management doesn't believe in policy changes or consider important a person who is no longer working in our company, however important the strategies he made for them. For them, that person is out of sight and out of mind. But I don't think this is a good strategy. He should get credit for his moves and planning.

Getting over someone is a grieving process. You mourn the loss of the relationship, and that's only expedited by 'Out of sight, out of mind.' But when you walk outside and see them on a billboard or on TV or on the cover of a magazine, it reopens the wound. It's a high-class problem, but it's real. - Hank Azaria

Before I proceed with my story in detail, I want to invite @senehasa, @jyoti-thelight and @patjewell

People in my life with the phrase "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"

I could not sleep at night, so I got up, opened the laptop, and sat down. Suddenly, I saw a request. Who was that stranger?

I clicked to see, 'If I am not wrong, you are Dev, aren't you? I saw your profile photo and recognized you. The same who lived in Delhi 10 years ago? I'm Tina, your sister's friend. If you remember, I once came to live at your house. If you have recognized me, then you must answer.


Hey, it's Tina! And my heart skip a beat. I saw that my wife was fast asleep. I wanted to click on accept key but a voice came from inside my mind, "Think first. Will it be okay? You have a happy family, and she too must be going through the same situation.

There is no use diving into the depths of the past again. This would be like a relationship after marriage! Why invite trouble for nothing? I got lost in thought for a while. I took my finger off the key. I shut down the laptop and lay down on the bed.

I was wondering why there was a need to relive those moments after such a long time has already passed.

I heard her voice, "Your name was enough to remind me of you."

So was it telepathy that I woke up at two in the morning without any reason and sat down, opening my laptop?

I could not sleep, but the scenes from ten years ago flashed in front of my eyes one by one. I was then 25 and had just returned from Dubai after completing a diploma in welding technology. Then a friend of my sister came from Mumbai along with her father to our house in Delhi to get admission in engineering. Tina's program was that until she got a place in the hostel, she would stay in our house.

And even after admission to the hostel, whenever there was a holiday, she used to visit us. I and my sister accompanied her to somewhere every time. I guess she liked the company of all of us, and we also used to get an excuse to visit when she came. Although she spoke very little, sometimes silence also speaks louder than words.

I didn't even know when she gave me a silent request with her eyes, and I accepted it. I think I liked her because she spoke less, which attracted me to her.

Anyway, the feeling of first love is also amazing at that age. If someone looks at you with eyes full of praise, then your face starts shining with a different aura. You want to be with them all the time. All their gestures feel meaningful, and they are filled with the beautiful feeling of love.

The whole world seems beautiful. This is what happened to me and Meeta. Then her studies got over, and she went back. Then I heard that she got a job and got married to one of her colleagues. I was very sad to lose contact with her.

Time passed, and layers of dust started gathering on Mita's memories. Slowly, I forgot everything. I got married and had two children. I was so busy that I forgot her name. And today, this unexpected message on Facebook took me back to the past.

I could not sleep that night. It was five in the morning. I got up and went out for a morning walk. After returning, I fell asleep on the sofa. When my wife came and woke me up and said, "How did you sleep here, Wake up! It's nine o'clock." I got up in a hurry and went to the office.

She was out of my sight but she remains in my mind

Four days later, again, I received the same message, and this time I thought, "What is the harm in talking? Let me see what she wants to say. What has changed in her life after so many years?"

I clicked on accept and wrote in response, showing a little fake anger, 'Yes, you recognized me right, I am Dev. How did you remember me after so many years?'

"We remember the one whom we forget, I have never forgotten you." She simply keyed the answer. I asked in the same manner, 'Then why didn't you reply to my messages?'

"After the death of my father, the entire responsibility of the house fell on me. My mother was not so educated and my sisters were very young. I had to start my life afresh to make ends meet. At my father's vacant place, I got a job according to my qualification, but the salary was so low that it was difficult to run the household expenses."

Oops! You have suffered so much. If you had told me...' I replied with a heavy heart, then she interrupted and wrote, 'What would be the use, you would feel hurt too. But after two years I went to Delhi for office work and went to your house too, but by then you had gone to Dubai. After that, I lost contact with your family.

I said taking a deep breath. "And how are you?"

"I am fine,"

A strange sadness filled my mind, so I gave a short reply and went offline. My mind had become very confused. Nothing happens without any reason. Probably there was something in the air.

We now knew about each other's families by chatting three to four times every week. She had two daughters. Her husband was a nice guy. But she said she still missed me. This is what was happening to me now.

One day she asked for my mobile number, at first I avoided it but her repeated request and our old friendship and the attraction between a man and woman forced me to give her my number. After so many years, when I heard her voice on the phone, I felt that the silent love request had become vocal. For the first time, she expressed her love in words. I kept listening to her without any response.

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In the course of time, the river of carefree love morphed into a sea of mature friendship, which had a stillness, and depth. The full credit for this goes to Meeta, who had absorbed my entire existence in herself. I was drenched with enthusiasm, new energy, and enthusiasm from his words.

Whenever she said, "Dev your words are very sweet", I felt proud of myself. I thought even today I am in someone's memories.

Both of us felt a desire to see each other, so even before I could say anything, she said, "If I ever come to Delhi for official work, I will definitely meet you."

True to the adage that there is a will, there is a way, the time also came when she came to Delhi to attend a wedding ceremony. She came to my house with her husband. My wife was also at home. We spent two hours together. It was a mixed feeling, I was feeling a stranger in my own home.

She was no more in my life but did she go out of my sight?

We did not show that both of us have been in contact for the last year and there was so much commotion inside our minds. Have you heard that when two people love each other, the whole universe conspires to bring them together, but now I was experiencing this but not feeling too great? Now I was feeling that after marriage, such relationships are considered immoral, but the feeling of love is far beyond any such feelings.

She left but left behind a feeling, which is not a feeling of any relationship. In fact, the distance between us has become a little more. Yet, I used to think that once someone is out of sight, is out of our minds. I don't know why but I don't think so now.

My best regards dear @mostofajaman


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