SEC-S10W5: My story of losing a precious thing


I've lost a lot of things in my life. These were things that I lost forever, and these were things that I lost for a while and then found. There was one item that I lost and it was of particular importance to me in the past.

A long, long time ago, I met the first girl in my life. After six months of being together, she gave me a necklace. I had no idea if this necklace had any special meaning in her life or not. She simply gave it to me as a " sign of her love."

Since she was my first girlfriend, it meant a lot to me. As it happens in life, unfortunately after some time this relationship faded away. Unfortunately, in life sometimes it happens, but such situations make a person become stronger. So you always have to think positively.


About 3-4 years ago I was thinking about what used to be and I remembered that I had this necklace hidden somewhere in the closet in the room. I moved here a few years ago and lost a few things. I also lost that necklace. It's been a long time since I broke up with that person, but a keepsake is a keepsake. It's nice to remember old stories sometimes.

When I noticed that I did not have this item I felt great sadness. But we must remember that our memories are not stored in objects but in our minds and feelings. They will never disappear there.


Unfortunately, I couldn't find the necklace. Well, that's life. Now, when I have an object that I care about very much, I always hide it in a special box in which I store "memories". I believe that everyone should have such a place so that in the future they do not lose anything important.

But remember that all memories remain in our heads and thoughts, as I mentioned earlier. Well, unless something also had a large monetary value, then you can say that it is a double loss. But you have to think positively and move forward. It's all in our heads.
Good luck with the contests.

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