Betterlife : The Diary Game (13-11-2023)- I spent a very beautiful day.


Hello everyone. I am @enamul17.
From #Bangladesh.

Assalamualaikum friends,
Welcome to my another amazing diary blog. How are you my friends? Hopefully all of you are excellent & healthy by the God's grace. Alhamdulillah, I am good today. Today I am here to share with you all my13th November Monday’s Diary Game. In this diary blog I will share my whole days activities. I hope all of you are interested in knowing about my Monday’s activities. So let's start my today's blog.


I wake up around 5 am to go to office in the morning. Later I take fresh hair and I wear office clothes to go to office. Before going to the office, I ate the dry food I kept at home and then left for the office. On my way to the office I did a thorough inspection of the plant as usual and found sludge floating in the tank. However, I sit in the office lab for hours and keep checking the report books.


Next I fill the gel tank with water in the drum first to apply the fertilizer. And in between I run another air blower machine in the plant for some time to supply oxygen to the equalization tank.Then I shut it off after a few minutes and then I started doing all the water parameter tests. It takes about half an hour to test all my waters.


Later I go to the screening machine after work and check if there is any sludge or large dirt. Then I went to the control room to change the prefilter of the air blower machine and then I came back to the lab.


Later in the afternoon I clean a few sensors and when it's noon I'm at the front of the plant and watch the people working on the general shift come out for their midday break. Anyway after an hour my office hours were over and I went home.


After taking a bath in the afternoon I went to my aunt's house and finished my lunch and planned to rest for some time when I came home. And today Aki and my friend plan to go to the market. I need to buy some new clothes so we go to a nearby market and I buy some clothes, pants and hoodies for winter. However we stayed there for a few hours.


When I finished shopping, I saw winter pitha (which is called vapapitha) selling on the roadside. So me and my friend eat vapapitha from there. After that we visited some markets some more time. Later we left for home. Then we came home and freshened up because it was quite dusty outside.


Then I wear each of clothe one by one and check if all clothe fits or not and yeah all clothes are fits perfectly on my body.After that while we were talking at home, the elder brother of the next room gave us pita which was really great. We both eat it and later we had dinner at aunt's house. Then I fell asleep quickly at night because I was so tired.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my diary blog post. This is how I spent my 13th November.

Best Regards By




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