📢 Contest - Happy Married Life VS Happy Single Life.



Hello great friends. I'm so glad to be part of this contest.

Are you a single person and you've always been lost in thoughts about this two stages of life? All you need is to read through my entry and hear my perspective about it.

Every individual must pass through this two stages of life. One must be single before marriage. It is very important to enjoy this two stages of life.

After some study, I found out that many tend to enjoy the later than the former and this has restructured the mindset of many to think that enjoyment stops at single stage.

For me, enjoyment continues even after marriage, hence the need to marry right.

✅Happy married life or happy single life? Which do you think is the happiest?

I believe so much in happy married life. No matter what, two are better than one. It's a time to get rid of loneliness. A time to always be with the love of your life. It's filled up with happy moments all together and I so much prefer it to happy single life.

There is always a vacuum with happy single life as the single person would one day feel lonely and always desire someone by his/her side. Someone she/he can share her/his thoughts and feelings with, someone who would take care of him/her, someone who would give her/him listening ears and stand by him/her in tough times.

Also, the joy of seeing your children around you is another form of enjoyment in marriage which singles cannot have. That joy of training up your children together with your husband or wife and watch them grow and become something great in the future.

There are many things that makes happy married life outstanding and incomparable to happy single life.


✅ Which of these two lives are you living now? Are you happy with your current life?

I am currently a single lady and I'm enjoying it while it last. Single hood is never a bad thing. It's a time to grow yourself for the future. It's a time to enjoy single hood. A time where you take decisions alone, work on yourself and a time to be free from children disturbances unlike in marriage.

I'm really enjoying my single days. It's a time when I'm not accountable to anybody over my decisions. My finances are not influenced by any person and my choices are not tampered upon, unlike in marriage when you will have to put head together with your husband and plan the future together.

I'm really happy with my current life. My single hood is a happy one.


✅ What do you think others are missing out on?

Most times, when I see single ladies who are busy living with single men, I do frown at it. Indeed, they are missing a lot in their single life.

Imagine living a life where you don't have story about your single days. Single days are days to grab many opportunities. They are days to explore one's intent and discover the best in one's self.

Many are missing out those things and this always leads to problems in marriage.
Many tend to live such life, at the end they got pregnant and such leads to unplanned marriage and if not carefully managed, can lead to many crises in such family.

They miss out the stage of preparation for marriage, life and future and such do really affect many homes.

✅ What things do you do to find happiness in your current life?

That mindset that I will soon leave this single stage makes me to try harder to maximize it. One of the things I do is to keep good friends that have same mindset around me.

We plan and encourage each other to run with our plans. This has so much helped me. Imagine time with friends who is also intentional about growth. It's always a great time.

I also try harder to get myself engaged in so many things like work. Each time I fulfil my targeted plan, leaves me with another form of happiness.

I'm passionate about developing myself. I love being independent and wouldn't want to be a load to anyone but a help. Each level I attain in my pursuit for greatness makes me happy and leaves me with a sense that I'm not playing with my single hood.


Single hood is a period one needs to be intentional about his/her life and get his goals in life moving. It's also a time for preparation of that happy married life everyone so desire.

Inadequate preparation of it can lead to crises or lack of happiness in it and in the future.

I invite @okere-blessing @edidiongeffiong @ruthjoe

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