SEC - S10W3: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work



Greetings to my fellow steemians

I'm glad to partake in this contest in steel for Bangladesh community.

Team work can be defined as a group of people who come together, share common vision and work together to achieve desired goal.
Team work when effectively control brings about dream work. Set goals are achieved and values are added to team members.

What does the phrase "Teamwork Makes the Dream Work" mean to you?

The phrase means that teamwork enhances the effectiveness of duty and this leads to the attainment of the goals. They share their visions and work together and this leads to the fulfillment of the dream work.
Teamwork brings about synergy in a work, leads to motivation and also brings about creativity.
It also brings about personal growth to the team mates and builds relationship.

All these put together, leads to the attainment of dream work.

Do you have experience being involved in team-based work? Feel free to share your online and offline teamwork experiences.

Yes, I have been privileged to work with a team.
The first team I would love to share is a team we formed in my debate club. We had a debate and the selected debaters formed a team. The team was meant to help us come together and get ourselves prepared against our co-debaters.

We were determined to win the debate competition and we had to form a team where we would come together, rehearse, criticize our performance, and come up with the best people that will take up the task.

We did as planned, got ourselves prepared and before the day, we were all ready.

In the end, we won the competition and we were happy.

The second one is in my fellowship. We had a team where designated to plan for the upcoming freshmen' reception.

We came together as a group and scheduled a time and day when we would come together and plan for it.

We kept to our schedule and planned the reception.
In the end, it was successful and the fellowship applaud us for planning it well.

Another team is our Final year brethren service. I was also part of a team where we sit and plan things that will take place that day.

It wasn't easy as most times, we found ourselves busy and it greatly affected our schedule. We later adjusted our schedule and we planned together. We also shared some functions amongst us and it helped us run with it. In the end, everything turned out well and it was successful.

What obstacles did you face in working as a team?

•Bias Minds
Many times, the problem is that of bias mind. Many times, some of the team members have a biased mind over the vision they are pursuing and it affects it greatly.

•Poor engagement from members
Lack of seriousness in some of the members
Some members feel reluctant over the set goal. Some think that certain people on the team should carry the vision on while they are just there to offer suggestions. This greatly affects the team. Some think they are minor team members and see others as having greater contributions to make.

•Lack of clarity
Many times, there is a lack of clarity. Some people on the team might likely understand the vision faster while others will not understand. Some will not even understand, they would wait to see the end product before they key into such a vision. Most of these people show poor engage me with with the team.

•Time wastage
Another issue encountered is a waste of time. Some issues may arise that needs urgent attention. All members of the team will have to be contacted so they could give their opinion on it before execution. When there is a conflict of opinion, another meeting needs to be scheduled to rectify it before actions will be taken

This leads to waste of time.

•Conflicts and criticism
This is one of the problems encountered in team work. Many might have issues due to difference in opinions and this can cause a lot of conflicts. When such conflicts arise, it affects the smooth functioning of the team and the set goals may not be attained.

Is it possible that a person can achieve more by engaging in teamwork than individually? explain.

Yes. I believe one can achieve more in a team than engaging individually.

When they come together as a team, they share visions and ideas. This helps them come up with better plans unlike when it's coming from one person. People from various fields of life will come together and share their mindsets and when pulled together, gives rise to great plans.

Coming together as a group brings about motivation
It brings about synergy and great motivation. This helps ensures that each team mates put up their best thereby achieving greater results.

Also, teamwork brings about better problem solving.

Team mates comes together to solve or handle diverse problems that can affect performance. When these problems are solved or eliminated, it ensures growth and achievement of greater results.

Teamwork leads to more and effective performance leading to greater achievements of results.


Team work is very important to achieve great results. Human beings cannot exist in isolation and hence the need to work corporately to achieve set goals.

Ideas from team mates put together can give rise to a very good decision that will help bring out great results. Notwithstanding, this does not rule out the fact that some particular jobs can be done individually and still achieve set goals but greater goals are achieved as a team.

I invite @ruthjoe @okere-blessing and @josepha to engage in this contest.

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