Moonlight night scenary drawing

Hello everyone, Assalamu Alaikum. What's up everyone? I am @farjana from Bangladesh. In this hot weather, the condition of the people of Bangladesh is not supposed to be very good. People's lives are becoming unbearable in the unbearable heat. People's daily work is hindered in many ways due to such hot weather. Anyway, I hope that everyone is fine. Today I am going to present you another new painting. It is a moonlit night scene. Everyone likes moonlit night. Everyone enjoys it. And hope everyone likes it.


Drawing Materials
  • Art paper
  • Pencil
  • Erasure
  • Ruler
  • Black colour pencil
  • Purple colour pencil
  • Blue colour pencil
  • Yellow colour pencil
Step 1

First of all, I took a moon on one side of an art paper and cut a circle of paper on it and placed it on the moon so that the color does not mix inside the moon while painting. Then, lighten the middle of the paper and paint blue on the upper side and purple on the lower side. paint


Step 2

Then with the help of a tissue I mixed the colors well on the paper and drew a room on the left side.


Step 3

After that, I painted the room black and painted the doors and windows red so that the lights inside the room can be seen at night.


Step 4

Then I drew a leafless tree on one side of the house and I drew many branches and painted them black.


Step 5

This was the last step. This time I drew a barn owl sitting on the branch of a tree, then the color on both sides was too light so I repainted it a bit darker and painted the other two barn owls in flight. This is how I finished my drawing. Such a moonlit night scene is really beautiful.


This was my final drawing that I took a selfie with.


Allah Hafez

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